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Underground Strength Show, Episode # 7

My old bedroom and my old book shelf! You gotta see this! Am I wrong here? Did the Golden Era really rock today’s lifters? Today we have less comraderie, more complainers, more cry babies, more fancy methods and people still

Underground Strength Show, Episode # 6: Lost Treasures of Strength

Check out this trip through my early beginnings and a hilarious story of what started out as my weakest day from over 20 years ago!     How many of you remember your beginnings in the world of strength? I’d

Take you back to the garage and backyard – Episode # 4

Take a look where it all started… Stay tuned for the next episode! They are getting crazier! Kill it! –Coach Z– P.S. – I’ll be at The Ryan Lee Boot Camp this September, and, I’m gonna snag a small conference

Trips through my old stomping grounds – Episode # 3

I take you through a little trip down memory lane, through an old playground, which used to be way better than what we see in the video 🙁 More trips to come, and some, in NOT so nice places! Look

Underground Strength Show – Episode # 2

In this episode I give you an inside look at one of my fast paced workouts, and, you’ll see my pasison for the barbell….this entire workout was ALL barbell! Okay, Okay, I added glute ham raises 🙂 Do you own

The Underground playground assault

Loooong, looong ago I wanted to film an outdoor training DVD and when I finally did it, I moved super slow to finish a big project I had, mainly b/c I opened the gym and wanted to focus like a

The uncomplicated strength workout

Keep it simple, nothing fancy, hit the weights hard, hit em’ heavy, go light when your body tells you to back off, and, if you’re feelin’ like a beast, go ahead and kill the weights…..and I do mean KILL IT!

15 Minute Muscle Building Workouts

I was in a bit of a rush Friday before clients were heading in to The Underground Strength Gym and I was finishing up some work on the Blog. Not to worry, as I knew I could crank out some

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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