Do What You Can, Even When You Can’t



Whether you're a sport athlete or a hard charging lifter, injuries and obstacles will always be popping up on your journey.

I am still trying to figure out WHY they happen.

Is it all about movement? Because I see some horrific stuff that would destroy my body and those people don't get injured from it.

Then I see people who move great and do all the right things: nutrition, lifestyle, etc and they DO get hurt.

I think it's part of your journey. Maybe it's a test to see where you fit in this world.

The iron tests you. It's a metaphor for life.

I'm currently still working around a shoulder injury that I remember bothering way back around age 15 or 16, some 25 years ago.

I remember how my shoulder was killing me during incline benching and I just gave up and sat at the juice bar, defeated, not knowing what to do.

Nobody could help me either. This was around 1991 and everyone just shrugged their shoulders or told me "That sucks, man."

Now I know differently, of course. I find a way to train rather than finding an excuse. I found that by training around the injury it helps heal the injury. Maybe because of the endorphins released and the blood flowing through the body.

I know that sitting on the couch waiting for something to get better won't happen or help. It's ALL a test. A test to see if you want to stand for something or fall for anything.

Jim Steel discussed this in our recent STRONG Life Podcasts (Ep 99 & 100) , a little tip he picked up from Marty Gallagher.

Your upper body has in injury? Time to set a PR in the Squat & Deadlift.

Your lower body has an injury? Time to set a PR in the Bench Or Overhead Press.

Find a Way or Find an Excuse. They are BOTH always waiting for you. The world has good and evil. So trust me, the world doesn't care if you're strong or weak.

So at the end of the day it's always up to you. ALWAYS.

Your strength or weakness falls on your shoulders. Don't blame anyone else but the man in the mirror. YOU.

If you think you have choices, then you're right, you do have choices. I personally don't think I have a choice. It's ALL about being STRONG in Mind, Body & LIFE. For me, That means finding a Way. Always find a Way.

Live The Code 365,


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3 Responses

  1. Eric Pritchard says:

    Z-spot on! Great stuff as always, turns out to be very timely for me. Keep crushing it: us family men have gotta be strong, stay strong! #sheepdog #lifedoesntcare

  2. A very good post.Find a way or find an excuse. Always find a way when the going gets tough

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