STRONG Life Podcast 270 with Matt Nichol.
In this episode of The STRONG Life Podcast, We discuss the following topics:
- Strength Coach Professionalism
- Building Grit & Mental Toughness in Athletes today AND doing it Safely
- The Hunger & Humble Attitude you need Today to Thrive as a Strength Coach
- The Flaws of Training Methods of today vs Yester-year yet still finding how and why they can be applied
- Old & New Books that Matt and I are reading in Strength & Conditioning
Dig in and please enjoy!
Brought to you by SORINEX - the Leaders in Strength Training Equipment
As always, it was a GREAT time chatting with Matt Nichol. Connect with Matt on Instagram.
Drop a comment below with what you've learned during this episode. This was a great blend of training, business, culture and "Real Talk".