The Hatfield Squat & Why You Should Know & Learn From The Old School Strength Books


  • Do you know who wrote the book Super Squats?

- Do you know what THE Super Squats training program looks like?

- What about The GOMAD diet?

  • What about Reg Park & the 5 x 5 method?

- Have you read Arnold's Education of a Bodybuilder?

  • Dr. Ken?
  • What about Keys to Progress by John McCallum?

It's important to constantly learn, but, do not just learn from the current methods, go back 10, 20, 100 years to learn from some of the best books ever written.

The Way to Live.

Goerner the Mighty.

Here's an old squat variation I first witnessed back in 1989 at The Woodbridge Health & Racquet Club. My friend was a member here and they had a weight training area off to one side of the indoor track.

Most of the members were white collar types but there were a few true lifters in there. Some of them were professional wrestlers from The WWF (now WWE).

The day after these Hatfield Squats my legs were sore.

This Hatfield Squat variation also felt a tad better on my right knee. You can perform these Hatfield Squats if you have a safety squat bar. This particular Hatfield bar was built in 1982 if I can recall correctly but I am not positive.

There was an old school HIT Bodybuilding / Personal Training gym in my area closing down some years ago. The owner followed the Original Arthur Jones style of training. He was retiring after opening his gym in the early 70s, before I was born!

This guy had equipment and machines in his gym that were spin offs of Nautilus, companies which came and went but he had them! As I walked through his gym, he was training people STILL with that 1 set to failure and beyond method.

I picked up plenty of York 45 lb plates which I found at the bottom of the pile of the other Olympic plates he was selling. I also picked up a self made curl bar he had welded in the 70s.

My hope is 1 day my son immerses himself in my library of old school strength books to get his inspiration. Natural Bodybuilders who were benching 400 and even 50 + lbs, like the late great Chuck Sipes who was benching almost 600 lbs, weighing 220 lbs!

How can you NOT learn from me who were so strong!?!?!

Get your learn on and get your lift on!

Last thing - when a D1 Strength Coach asks to visit The Underground and watch what we do while they are in NJ or Philly for their team's competition, I tell them, you can not come here to watch, you CAN come here to TRAIN!

Live The Code 365,


Train Online with Zach

Gladiator STRONG

4 Responses

  1. Zach, thanks again!
    I am coming back slowly from my recent (and completely unexpected) heart problem. It is amazing how much strength you can lose in such a short time.
    However, thank GOD I am still alive and have been doing light training for about three weeks. It’s time to go humbly through the process of rebuilding.

  2. Love it Zach! Keeping it real.

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