Inside My Recent Training: Spartan Combat Training



I've been working around a nagging shoulder & bicep injury but finding a way to get it done and make it happen.

The years and years of training are piling up since 1989 but I am grateful for all that happens to me as it makes me smarter and stronger.

As I mentioned in the last STRONG Life podcast, "Everything that happens to you is the BEST thing that happens to you".

The video below is Part 3 in the feature of my training where I dig deep and connect with my Warrior spirit.

I have zero interest in pumping up to be a pretty boy. I want to be stronger and tougher and that means PERFORMANCE is the goal. I want to test myself beyond the physical and even beyond the mental. This is when you must dig deep and train for something far beyond bigger biceps.

Train To Be a Warrior

Part 3 Video

Combat Circuit Workout

[youtube width="640" height="360"][/youtube]

You can see my workouts posted as photos on my Instagram HERE.

I often take photos of my own training to share with you and inspire you.

Here is one I did yesterday at my Edison, NJ Underground Strength Gym that I did NOT write on the white board:

12 PM Training:

1A) Kettlebell Windmill 4 x 3 / 3 ea. side

1B) Dips 4 x 10-20 reps

1C) Goblet SQ 4 x 6 reps

4 PM Training:

1A) Keg Shouldering OR Keg Clean & Press 4 x 6 reps

1B) Chest Support KB Rows 4 x 6 - 10 reps

2A) DB High Pulls 4 x 10

2B) Plate Curls 4 x Max

3A) Trap Bar Deadlift 6 x 5 reps

3B) Band Triceps 6 x Max

Yesterday at 4 PM I trained WITH my athletes for most of the session. I do this only when it is either very quiet OR I am BIG time hyped up and the group is experienced enough where we can train together.

This group was fired up with me training with them and we pushed one another. I get pushed seeing my own athletes getting stronger than me and they get fired up seeing a 39 yr old man attacking life and training. It gives us ALL something to be inspired by.

Inspiration is everywhere.

Train like a Warrior. Whatever that means to you is what counts. In essence, you should train harder than what you consider "normal". Go that extra yard and push yourself so you have to dig deep.

You will be a better man / woman because of it. We're not just training to dominate in the gym, we're also training to dominate in LIFE.

Please post questions / comments below. Thank you for ALL your support.

Live The Code 365,



How to Dominate In the Gym AND in Life

Read The Full Story HERE

Mark-Divine-Underground-Strength Joe-DeSena-Underground-Strength

4 Responses

  1. I’m defintenly a fan of seeing your own training sessions posted on Instagram (on the White Board)!!!

    Awesome stuff Z… I’ve also noticed you’ve been posting a lot more on your Blog… I’m liking it

    1. Matt, thanks for supporting, and yes, much more blog work, I HOPE people can keep up b/c I hate moving slow and waiting, so, ONLY the motivated will keep up with me.

      *** Turning PRO!!! ***

      1. I picked the book up last weekend at my B&N… Once I finish Sgt. Nick Irving’s “The Reaper”, I will be diving right into “Turning PRO” (With my highligter ready… I don’t want to “just” read it.. I want to “learn” it)

        I’m keeping up with ya Brother
        See ya in March!

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