419 | The PLAE Road Trip: Lessons in High School Strength & Conditioning, Life & Making it Happen as a Strength Coach


Last week, Coach Paul Kolody and I took a road trip to South Carolina. We wanted to drive somewhere within an 8 hour radius so we could visit other Coaches and get our learn on!

When Rich Gray saw that Paul and I wanted to do this, he was fired up to see Coaches who wanted to learn the old fashioned way, IN PERSON!

This trip was supported / sponsored thanks to PLAE. PLAE also filmed IRON ROOTS for me and has been a supporter for a long time.

The Coaches we connected with were amazing. Jeremy Boone and Joe BIG HOUSE Kenn I have known for about 20 years each.

Nick Ficker and William Fly were friends of Paul through The NHSSCA. 

There is no video footage with our time with Jeremy as we were in a restaurant the entire time. Jeremy took us out to dinner at his favorite restaurant and treated us to some amazing steak and mashed potatoes!

Even more, Jeremy shared so much insight in life, coaching and leadership through his stories, experiences and simply being around him. His energy radiates and lights up the entire building! You'll hear more when you listen to STRONG Life Podcast ep 419.

Our schedule was a whirlwind. We would eat lunch around noon and then go non stop until dinner each night around 10 PM.

Listen below and then watch all the videos!


Listen on Apple Podcasts HERE

Listen on Spotify Podcasts HERE


Below are the videos from our PLAE Road Trip.

Get your coffee or anabolic protein shake and enjoy!

Instagram Live covering these topics:

✔️ Training Middle School Athletes

✔️ Nutrition Tips

✔️ Weakness is a Crime 💀💀and there are way too many criminals, running wild in the streets


The outside of Asheville Christian Academy Strength & Conditioning Facility.  

Coach Ficker shared the images of his building. You can see them ALL HERE.  This facility is absolutely stunning. The inside was outfitted by PLAE. 

Coach William Fly - Mallard Creek High School

Coach Nick Ficker - Asheville Christian Academy

And last visit on our trip is my good friend and mentor, Joe Kenn aka BIG HOUSE POWER.

Man, I love this guy. HOUSE always keeps it real and does not BS anyone. When you need the truth to be told, this is the guy to tell it to you! We chatted for 90 minutes before we began recording!


This trip was not only a learning / educational experience, it was also good for the soul!

These trips are needed for Coaches and also, needed for Men! Men need to seek and search.

I look forward to my next trip / adventure with my friends from PLAE!

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