The “Secret” To Getting STRONGER?


I had a great training session this past Friday.

It was super basic and I understand that's not "cool" nowadays but you can't den results.

After the training session I had some thoughts running through my mind and it felt good to share them in this video.....

Here's some insight into some of our training at The Underground Strength Gym this past month.....

Some people say that getting strong is easy, and maybe so, in the beginning, perhaps.

But as time goes on, you're fighting and clawing to add 5 lbs to the bar. And on a deeper level, you want to challenge yourself. You don't want to lose your edge and become, you know, "normal".

It's the fight that is beautiful. Battling in the gym to destroy your inner weakness, there is a rare pleasure you experience when you finish that training session and you FEEL that power of knowing that the person you are walking OUT of the gym is a STRONGER & BETTER person than when you walked in the gym.

Whatever it is you want, make no mistake about it, you gotta EARN IT. Nothing is free. Everybody pays. Everybody.

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3 Responses

  1. Regan Johnston says:

    Life crazy busy at the moment but I still got time to soak up these news letters bro. Loving the inspirational words and positive energy. Hope you are well and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. A good post Zach. Challenging ourselves in the gym is a great way of overcoming just being normal.Its true, the fight against our inner weakness and overcoming it, is very self rewarding.

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