STRONG Life Insider Ep. 41 | Lessons from Prison, Samurais + 3 GREAT Books


STRONG Life Insider, Episode 41: Lessons from Prison, Samurais + 3 GREAT Books.

In this episode I discuss my thoughts on training for life, great books I am reading and lessons from The Samurai Warrior.

The Training for Life concept is always on my mind. I sometimes watch prison documentaries as they remind me how easy my life is in comparison, and, they inspire me to keep training hard. The world has proven to be a dangerous place and it's always better to Always Be Ready vs the inexcusable "I have to get ready."

Books on Samurai philosophy, stoic philosophy and calming the mind are drawing me in right now.

My buddy Joe DeSena shared a quote and it REALLY got me thinking......


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Let's get going with the show. Please enjoy, share & leave a 5 star review. I would be Grateful!

I often gift the best 5 star reviews with something special so keep in listening in case YOUR name is called upon!

Please share the books you are currently reading in the comments below.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone is reading and learning from.

And since we are deep into the holidays, here is how we recommend you control your stress and your health / strength at the same time. Enjoy this episode of The Spartan Way.

STRONG Life Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

6 Responses

  1. Great book selections! Currently reading The Practicing Stoic by Farnsworth, also really enjoyed Philosophy as a Way of Life by Hadot

  2. Michael Beach says:

    Fighter’s Mind by Sam Sheridan
    The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin (the person that finding bobby Fischer was based on)

    1. Those must be great books, Michael!!! It’s been a long time, brother, I hope you are doing GREAT!!

  3. Zach, recently finished Call Sign Chaos by Gen. Mattis but wanted to include it here anyhow.
    I am Re-studying your Encyclopedia of Underground Strength and Conditioning and The Clue Train Manifesto.
    I am finishing The Eagle and the Dragon.
    I also am studying Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
    I have several spiritual books in progress too.

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