STRONGER In Life & In The Gym: Be The Hammer, NOT The Nail


I came across a quote from the book RELENTLESS recently, it was simply yet powerful, it said this:

"Life is complicated, training is not."

This was awesome because simplicity can be and truly always will be powerful and effective. I love reading, listening to podcasts and learning in general. I pay attention for something small, something tiny that I can apply to my life and training.

I've been encouraging others to do this for years as well, don't get overwhelmed, just get 1 take away and put it to use.

As busy as I am in life, I am trying to simplify. Trying to focus on the few rather than the many.

We've all got choices. If you're reading this, how bad can life be? You're probably reading it from a $500 iPhone or an expensive computer. A roof is over your head and food on the table.

What are we complaining about?

Yes, WE. When I catch myself complaining it is the weakest experience ever. I'm sure plenty of people would love to have our "problems" that we fabricate and exaggerate.

Shut up. Get under the bar. Pull heavy. Sprint. Drag that sled. Sprint some more, get your heart rate pumping.

Yes, push and it's OK to feel light headed. You're ALIVE! Be Grateful for the pain!

The other day at my gym in Manasquan, I was exhausted and my day was supposed to be over. Certainly, I can accept those thoughts if I enjoy good enough. As I always say, Good enough is the death of Greatness.

We finished up a bit after 7 PM and I coaches The Rutgers Wrestling team in the AM, drove all around creation for my kids' sport camps, trained the crew at The Underground and the heat in each gym was heavy.

Our Rutgers weight room has the feel of a prison cell, but we LOVE it. The windows are covered with metal grates and the music is pumping. Sweat pours off your body.

At The Underground, I read the thermostat at 90 degrees. Some might get upset or concerned about this but not me.

I used to train at a gym that had NO AC, and, no one ever complained about it. I honestly FEAR that if I get a cozy air conditioned gym, I will get soft. I will enjoy the comfort. My life is easy enough compared to many in this world, I don't need or deserve anything easier.

These thoughts inspire me to attack my training. So after my long day of driving, coaching, running around and more, I shut the doors and got warmed up.

My warm ups include calisthenics, sleds, mobility, Kettlebell exercises (especially Windmills for stretching), abs, back extensions and more.

I've been squatting with knee sleeves and feeling great. Instead of finding an excuse, I find a way to make it happen.

Ultimately, I see things as simply as possible, very black and white: Strength is a Choice. I can choose to be strong by chasing the work or I can make weak excuses, which in turn make me weak both in AND out of the gym.

You must find inspiration everywhere. I am inspired by the athletes I get to train, by the Coaches I get to work with, by the books on my desk, the podcasts and more.

Need inspiration? There is plenty to find on my blog here. Need workouts, there are TONS of free workouts and training programs to follow on my blog.

If you're the type of person why invests in yourself to create more accountability, I can relate. I do the same. I have a rule of taking action every time I read a book or listen to a podcast. Don't just aimlessly take on information, DO SOMETHING about it.

Time to get after it.

OWN the day.


YOU Are Your OWN Best Investment

2 Responses

  1. David P Rodriguez says:

    Great lessons Zach, thanks for the inspiration.

  2. I like the way you see things. I tend to agree. I try not to sweat the small stuff and keep things simple. I fund that when you’re stuck in you’re training, you’re usually over thinking it.

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