Top 5 Kettlebell Workouts


"If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

- Jim Rohn

After announcing the last Kettlebell Workout Contest, we had over 80 comments / Kettlebell Workouts shared between the Blog Comments & Facebook!

From the 80 + Kettlebell Workouts, I chose the Top 5 that will help you pack on muscle, develop greater conditioning, burn fat and overall help you become even MORE of a BadAss.


Check Out The Top 5 Kettlebell Workouts Below!






There ya have it!

The Top 5 Kettlebell Workouts pulled from our Underground Kettlebell Assault competition!

USE them and get after it.

Live The Code


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4 Responses

  1. Wow those are some scary, sick looking workouts! Great job guys!
    I’ll be trying these out for sure!!

    1. I KNOW, they are NASTY!!! LOve them!

  2. I did this today since i didnt have access to the gym…

    [b]Christmas Eve workout:
    Monday – 12/24/12[/b]

    [i]Dynamic Warmups[/i]
    1a. KB Deadlifts: 5 x 4/4 x offset KBs 50lb/70lb (switched sides every 4 reps)
    1b. KB Swings: 5 x 10 x 30lb KB

    2a. Towel Pullups:5 x submax : 8, 5, 3, 4, 3
    2b. 1arm KB Rows: 5 x 5/5 x 70lb KB

    3a. Keg Clean and Press:5 x 5 x 70lb Keg
    3b. KB Swings: 5 x 10 x 70lb KB

    3 mile run/walk: 30 mins

    1. DAMN! That is my type of workout!!! NIIIIIICE!

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