Episode # 138: Underground Muscle Building with Tire Flipping, Bodyweight Training & Sleds


"Wherever there is danger, there lurks opportunity; whenever there is opportunity, there lurks danger. The two are inseparable. They go together."

- E. Nightingale -

Above, The Gnarly Back of A. DuPoux, Underground Trained Since His Senior Year In College On The Gridiron

I had to share this after we tore up The Underground Strength Gym the day before Joe DeFranco and I rocked a seminar together.

This is Just a lil' highlight of the BEASTS who stopped by the day before our Lost Secrets of Strength Seminar .

Dudes cruised in from around the country as far as Cali! This was a HUGE honor!

At first, these Coaches just wanted to watch our Friday crew train but the Underground bug snagged them into the workout and the energy was so damn high we took over the entire parking lot! My neighbor who runs the auto shop hates us!

But heck, I wouldn't argue with these BEASTS if I were him! ha ha

This ENTIRE workout is being posted in full inside our Underground Inner Circle along with over 1,000 content pieces in the way of never seen before videos, articles, special reports, training courses, seminars on film, audio interrogations & more.....

Check the vid...

This kind of training packs on the type of functional muscle and "real world strength" like no tomorrow. It's the training I WISH I did when I was a competitive athlete.

I fully understand it is NOT enough to just be strength focused, you MUST be "in shape" which means having the ability to sustain all types of training, which is exactly why we have a HUGE emphasis on using bodyweight / calisthenics to improve physical fitness to an even greater level.

There are those who train for cosmetics and that is cool if your goals are purely appearance based. But, that NEVER appealed to me. I always admired the men who had that gnarly look of thick, rugged muscles. These men always could perform beyond pump up weights and that earned my respect back in the day as a kid and still does so today! It always will.

QUESTION: What are your thoughts on training for overall fitness and maintaining a healthy balance between strength, power and conditioning?

Post your thoughts, comments and answers below!

Live The Code!


PS: Watch this ENTIRE workout on video at http://UndergroundInnerCircle.com in addition to MORE than 1,000 other Exclusive articles, special reports, workouts, e books, videos and audio interrogations.

For Complete Access To ALL The Above Bonuses & More, Please Click HERE

17 Responses

  1. Joe Chizek says:

    Gotta love the sleds. Just started making my own from the underground training manual. Can’t wait to get it going on some of my people.

    1. Joey C!!! And here we are today, with your 2nd location!!! Congrats!

  2. Great footage!! But where’s the heavy squats, deadlifts, bench presses and military presses?
    Long time since you shared videos of those lifts.

    Other than that! Keep up the good work!

    (Love your blog post at kickbacklife.com)

    1. Anton, NO worries, we lift HEAVY on the free weights ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Zach, I totally agree. At the moment I get my strength injection from gymnastics ring training (prior to this from kettlebells) and my metcon from body weight circuits. In addition to this I also do joint mobility and stretching. Total fitness includes brutal and intense metcon sessions combined with strength training and the ability to move well.

    1. physical culture, my man!

  4. Great video!

    Agreed- you gotta build that work capacity even higher in order to handle the intense workloads, volume, etc to get yourself to that next level!

    Not only that, this kinda stuff builds up that mental toughness and attitude! Great carryover to athletics, school, life, etc.. Keep up the good work, hope to make it over to NJ one of these days!

    1. Thnx, John, Mental Toughness and Strength, 2 of the BIG components missing from athletes nowadays!

  5. Haha! Keeping it real Zach – love it – so this is what you were doing instead of coming to Connecticut – I saw your name tag here and was looking forward to meeting you –

    Because shit, God knows I’m not comin’ out to Jersey – I might get sucked into one of these freakin sessions!

  6. Dudes, love the comments. No worries, deadlifts, squats and presses coming soon ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wait till you see the upcoming highlight video of what I did when Canada invaded The Underground – some heavy stuff I tell ya!

    This week begins our training for strongman as we prep for our Lift STRONG fundraiser as well as the battle VS DeFrancos!

    Gonna be a CRAZY summer!

  7. Looked like an awesome day of training! Agreed on the bodyweight training…it is a MUST for ALL athletes!

  8. Hey Z, what would happen if we trained just our quads and no hams? If we stumbled backwards we’d fall on our a**, right? That’s the same as training without balance. Hmmm, the words, one dimensional, comes to mind. Keep doing what you do bruddah, great video!

  9. Killer s#*t as usual Zach. I agree with John C. Work capacity is key. I’m never going to be the strongest dude in the gym but I refuse to let someone out work me! That’s what I try and teach my kids, being mentally tough in the weight room, court, field, or where ever! That stuff sticks with a young kid forever.

    1. Fatigue makes cowards of us all! I HATE the feeling of when my ass gets kicked, shows me I need to get to work!

  10. Looks like it was an awesome seminar. haha Can’t believe you got Big Tim to rip the sleeves off. Baddass workouts though, tough stuff.

  11. That’s one of the things that I love about body weight training. I think it’s the perfect blend between functional athletic conditioning as well as developing a beautiful physique. Ever since I’ve made bodyweight training a larger part of my conditioning program I’ve noticed both my physical appearance and physical capabilities reach new levels.

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