QnA: Art of Discipline, Athlete Nutrition, Great Books, Sports Technology & Gut Instincts


I crushed another Instagram QnA that had a wide array of topics.

I do these QnA episodes in spurts, when time allows and the mood hits. I love answering your questions and I know that when I was in my 20s, I always had a TON of questions to ask others in who I was interested in learning from.

That hunger and desire to learn more is still there.

Here are the topics / questions discussed in this QnA.

  • The Art of Discipline. Are some born with it or can it be coached & developed?
  • The software I use to manage The Underground Strength Gym, both in business and for training.
  • Being Happy
  • My thoughts on supplements for younger athletes & my concerns with what poor food choices are doing for young athletes nowadays.
  • Neck Training
  • Learning how to disassociate with your efforts as a Coach and the results your members get or don't get!
  • Blending the "Art of Coaching" with athlete software / technology.
  • What impact would I like to leave on this world?
  • Preferred bicep exercises I use for athletes and why?
  • When do you earn the right to trust your gut instincts?
  • The Best books I recommend for someone in college?
  • A Tour of my Office library and The rare books I used to read as well as rare books not many have (that MAYBE you should have?)

Thanks for watching & listening.

If you enjoyed this video blog, please share with your friends.

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3 Responses

  1. Zach, check out “Fearless: Adam Brown, Navy SEAL” by Eric Blehm.
    One of the best books I have read about overcoming obstacles.

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