STRONG Life Ep 52: Turning Your Struggles Into Strengths & Obstacles Into Opportunity


Rollins-Strength-QuoteThe weather in the north east has been pretty damn cold this year and like last year, the pipes at my gym froze up.

But, last year, no pipes broke, so I kinda felt that this year I would get lucky. There is only so much you can do in a cold ass warehouse when water pipes are places 1 inch away from an outside cement wall.

So when things went south, I had a choice: I could let them take me over or I could rise above and take them over. YOU get the same choices. We all do.

None of us are completely pinned down by circumstances, it is our reaction to them to allows us to achieve success or failure. The good and the bad are BOTH our responsibility. Just look at yourself in the mirror and you'll find the person responsible for it all.

As I emphasize ALL the time, hard training is what prepares you for hard times in life. The hard training changes your frame of reference.

In this episode of The STRONG Life Podcast, I discuss how I turned an obstacle into an opportunity and how the good ol' saying of "this is the worst thing that ever happened to me" is a bunch of BS.


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QOD / Question of the Day: What did you learn from this episode of The STRONG Life Podcast?

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10 Responses

    1. FRank, simple but true!

  1. Zach-love your stuff. Would love to hear more about the business aspect you mentioned in the podcast. Also, I know your schedule is demanding but if you get a chance, check out my website. I focus to middle/high school athletes as well as military athletes. Keep up the great work and thanks for all you do.

  2. Great post! Family and our support systems are invaluable. Sorry the Underground got flooded though…

    1. Pritch, the Underground was fully operating less than 24 hrs later.

      Nothing and No one can stop us.

      Family is # 1

  3. Damn… Great podcast Z’
    Awesome stuff!!!

    What did I learn? Not so much as “learn”.. as it was a reminder / confirmation that life hands you situations.. It’s up to whether those situations are positive or negative !!

    Hell yeah Z

  4. Yes, strength is definitely the product of struggle. What keeps me going in times of struggle is a very strong vision. That keeps me going and getting stronger each day.

  5. Hey Zac…with you Gladiator old school strength eBook…I haven’t yet purchased it, but can the 12 week cycle be continually repeated for maximum gains??

    1. Absolutely. Those who stick to ALL 12 weeks and repeat do best…. Most people bail after 2 weeks, can’t make gains unless you stay the course, brotha!

      1. Hey mate….got it, start next week….HERE I COME!! Looks awesome, thanks

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