Strength Training & Life Lessons: Do The Simple Things Savagely Well


Do The Simple Things Savagely Well.

I interviewed Jim Kiritsy for The STRONG Life Podcast and that quote has struck me ever since. It's simply saying, Brilliance with the Basics.

Experts are not trying to impress you with the fancy fads and gimmicks. It's ALL about results. And lately, I've been focusing on 2 exercises: Squats & Deadlifts.

Specifically, the hook grip deadlift. I don't go crazy on upper body work with my left shoulder which has been a nerve type issue since I was 14. But, I find ways around the shoulder and continue to make strides.

Nothing better than getting RESULTS.

So, you need to ask yourself, do you want to waste time and energy doing bull sh*t or do you REALLY want results? If you're reading this article I KNOW you want results.

I talk about it all the time; Doing the work and attacking the Basics. Can we argue with the strength and size of the guys of the 70s and prior who had minimal equipment? Hellz NO!

Look at these BEASTS......

The way these men ate and trained was all about Brilliance with the Basics.

Typical food choices were:

- Whole Eggs

- Meats & Fish

- Whole Milk

- Whole Fat Yogurt / Cottage Cheese

- Protein Shakes

- Trail Mix

So simple yet so Powerful and effective.

Training wasn't fancy either.

- Free Weights

- Minimal Machines as the main "machines" were cable / pulley systems: triceps work, lat pulldowns, seated rows, etc.

Calisthenics and Hand Balancing were the norm. These men were not JUST powerlifters or JUST bodybuilders. They blended it ALL together.

Chins, Dips, Ring Training, Sprinting, Acrobatic work / Partner hand balancing. Performance was the goal and the side effect was building physiques that were built like brick sh*t houses.

When was the last time you worked on your handstand push ups?

Partner weighted push ups? I remember Louie Simmons telling me about doing push ups while someone stood on his back inside the squat rack. Naturally, that was something I did with my training partners.

The beautiful thing about results is that YOU CAN NOT FAKE STRONG.

You either got it or you don't. And when you train basic, eat basic and live basic, the results COME.

Got questions or comments? Post below and I'll be glad to help you!


Live The Code 365,


The STRONG Life Brotherhood

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2 Responses

  1. I want to purchase your encyclopedia strength and conditioning book but it has to be by you not by door ?? If your incarcerated they won’t allow it only from amazon directly or the publisher not a third party.

    1. Hi Dawn, I saw this is on Amazon but fulfilled by Dragon Door as we speak for only $13.

      You can, however, purchase it used on Amazon and there are a few sellers where Amazon handles fulfillment, that MIGHT be a way around your Amazon dilemma. Please keep me posted, looking forward!

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