Marty Gallagher | Simplifying Strength Training for MAXIMUM Results


Episode 117 of The STRONG Life Podcast with my friend and mentor, Marty Gallagher.

Marty is the author of multiple books and 1 of them is my ALL time favorite, The Purposeful Primitive.

You can also listen to our first STRONG Life Podcast on Episode 19 HERE.

Listening to Marty talk training and the overall Purposeful Primitive Lifestyle is always awe inspiring!

I've spent time with Marty when he took some of the world's best Tier 1 Military Operators to a Powerlifting Meet with a visit from Kirk Karwoski.

My words can't even describe how awesome of an experience that was for me!

In this episode, here are the topics we discussed:

- How to adjust your training as you either get older or acquire injuries / bumps & bruises from work / military / old sports injuries, etc.

- How to change your goals as you get older so you can continue to make progress and reduce the common injuries.

- What does Marty's morning routine look like with his own training program.

- Need Motivation? Listen How Marty is STILL Training the mind & body as one to continue the passion and fire even after almost 60 years of training!

- How many top end / heavy sets do you really need to make strength gains?

- How does Marty manipulate rep tempo to make the light weights feel heavy (MORE Gains)?

- Marty breaks down technique for Squats and Deadlifts along with proper progressions. This is GREAT info for Coaches who work with new athletes as well as all lifters / Strength Coaches.

- Why do prison inmates still get Strong on a minimalist program.

- Nutrition Tips and Goals blended into Marty's 4 Elements for Transformation.



If you enjoy the show, do me a solid and share this blog, invite some friends and make sure you leave us a 5 star review and a sentence or 2 on iTunes. Your support keeps the show going as it's free for you, not for me :)!



Stitcher Radio

BONUS EPISODE with Marty Gallagher from The Underground Strength Academy


Marty's Books:

The Purposeful Primitive

STRONG Medicine


BIG thanks to our Sponsor,

Use Code zach100 for 10% off.

I've been using their Functional Trap Bar for an All In One Workout: Deadlifts, Carries, Bent Over Rows, Lunges, Shrugs and More.


Till the next time, Live The Code 365.

--Z-- - Don't Miss the 2,000 + Videos I have on my YouTube Channel

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4 Responses

  1. Lou Condon says:

    That First Deadlift shot looks like Mark Chaillet when he was in the 242lb class πŸ™‚

  2. Al Rymniak says:

    Book recommendation for Marty. “EGO is the Enemy” by Ryan Holiday.

    1. Nice! I have most of Ryan’s Books on Audio.

      Ryan is a TOUGH Dude, he trains like a SAVAGE.

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