Take a trip through the original Underground Strength Gym, see what’s inside the Box and take your pick…. if you WIN the bid 🙂 watch the video below and then click the link below the video to go to my
You saw how pumped I was to train… Driving 100 MPH (I know, I know, NOT smart) – but hey, I am uncontrollable when it comes to my love for the iron! Check out this workout…head to head with a
Hardcore gyms are golden… part II of our tour… Imagine what you could do in a gym like that….compared to those pretty fitness joints where sweating is against the law! Help spread the word about hardcore gyms like The Underground
This is the beginning of the tour…. sit tight, because there is more to come… I wanna hear your thoughts on this gym…is it heaven or hell, could be both for a strength fanatic like myself 🙂 Kill it! –Coach
On my way to kill it at an old school gym, Skiba’s Barbell Club. This trip is broken dowjn into several videos so hang tight, stay with me and enjoy the ride… Kill it! –Coach Z– PS: I think I’m
A few days ago I was on the field with a crew of Baseball players onder the guidance of Paul Reddick. Don’t think that these vids or the information found inside of them is just for Baseball. I would use
This was some heavy sh*t! What can you find at a junk yard? I’ve seen guys deadlifting car axles for thick grip deadlifts snagged straight outta junk yard. Freaky stuff! Kill it! –Coach Z– PS – Who’s going to Ryan
Check this bad boy out on e bay, I added some sick, sick bonuses: Here’s the link for My Personal Copy of The Russian Lion, Train with Zach & Pick Your Favorite E Book! Here and there I’ll be posting
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