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Underground Strength Show # 15 – REAL Man Muscle Building Trip

I was supposed to wait for this vid, but you guys gotta see this, it’s too freakin’ funny and too freakin’ cool! If you’re wondering what I’m talking about with The REAL Man Muscle Building Course, you’re gonna have ti

Underground Strength Show # 14 – The DeFranco Record Board & Gym Tour

After I make the record board check out this rockin’ gym tour and an inside look from none other than Joe D, a first time video tour of his pad! How ironic….years ago I was paying Joe D for a

Underground Strength Show # 13 – The DeFranco Challenge!

Joe DeFranco is one of the best Performance Coaches in the country, actually, the world. 2 weeks before my wedding, I finally got the chance to get a 1hour consult with Joe D. It took 6 months to get into

Underground Strength Show # 12 – Behind my walls

Dudes, check it out, another inside look at my office…. Does that look fun? It’s bad ass I tell you. On this day I let some of the guys go in and train extra, on their own, a little freedom,

Underground Strength Show # 11 – Trip through the woods

Off on a trip through the woods to see what I can find, see what you can do, and shed some light with my “minute of motivation”. There are more wild adventures on the way, plus, footage of my battle

Underground Strength Show # 10 – Back to my Old Stomping Grounds

It’s been a while, but what a breath of fresh air to see a REAL gym surviving and killing it. Check it out… I’m keeping my gym serious, DEAD SERIOUS! Cry babies, whiners, annoying parents, quitters, no shows – I

Underground Strength Show # 9 – The Gym that almost sabotaged my marriage!

Wow, what a memory and what a trip. I almost never got married, all because of my LOVE for the iron game…. What have you almost lost (or possibly lost) because of your love for the iron game? Kill it!

Underground Strength Show, Episode # 8: A trip into the ol’ attic

My lil’ bro was home while I was givin’ the crazy tour and I checked his bedroom for my old bodybuilding trophies. He told me he thinks they were stahsed in the ol’ attic.Come with me into the attic, you’ll

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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