Today, I feel like I have trained all day. From the running of the hills with my daughter in her jogger, to a short yet powerful dumbbell workout in my backyard, to the unplanned full body work I did today
My gym, The Underground Strength Gymnasium, is connected to an auto garage. On the side of that garage, the owner throws old tires away. Some with the wheel still intact, others just the tire. I snagged a few and helped
Watching this video was great. I came across it by chance, as my TV watching days are slim to none, I have lost touch with who’s who in MMA. The last time I rented a UFC pay per view fight
Do you want to be strong, or do you want to be highly conditioned? Do you want to be explosive, or do you want to be agile, mobile and hostile? How about training for all of these traits? I know,
I have had some interesting conversations with Jim Wendler. One in particular struck a chord with me quite heavily. In fact, it has helped mold a process I use at my gym when training new athletes. Jim and I spoke
It was 10 PM at night. The air was cool and my wife was asleep. My daughter fell asleep at 8:30 PM and I just finish cleaning up, massaging my wife to fall asleep and unable to get in my
Our Underground Strength Coach Cert. for September is now closed and filled up The first ever cert. was un-freakin-real and it really blew the roof off the gym. It was better than I ever planned or expected. Yes, things