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Eagles Fly Alone

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of “life”, so you make things easier on yourself and begin following everyone else. Or, maybe that’s not so easy. What sparked this topic today on an early Sunday morning?

I Beg for Fancy

Above, 1 arm high pulls with a 150 lb Globe dumbbell. Strength training seems to teeter totter between ultra basic to ultra fancy and then back to ultra basic. Fancy never worked too good, yet people cry and moan when

Break the Rules for BIG Strength

We haven’t been following a ton of rules here at The Underground. This is a BIG reason why our clients are developing in strength and muscle so quickly. Compare our style of training with the typical program that has light

I’m in the UK and I LOVE it!

You can see my latest article in newsstands now, in Fighters Only Magazine, a UK based magazine but it hits world wide newsstands. I LOVE the UK combat athletes. My first ever interview on the web was from a UK

The Magic of Simplicity in Strength & Conditioning Programs

Have you ever heard of Herschel Walker? If you’ve read my Blog for the past year, you certainly have. Pull ups, push ups, sit ups – hundreds and even thousands of reps every day….. Sprinting with a tire and rope

Gymnastics, Tractor Tires and Back Yards

I was on the phone today with my good friend who was telling me about a kid we both know who recently finished his high school wrestling career undefeated. There was a photo of him on the sports section of

Another “Goosebumps” Video

** The video above has inappropriate language for the younger ages ** When I watch the video above I get goosebumps. This speech doesn’t only apply to Football, it’s EVERYWHERE in life, anywhere you choose to apply this lesson you

How to Train with No Time and Little Equipment

Rush, rush, rush. That’s how it is nowadays for most of us. I am in a rush so often, that many of my workouts last about 15 minutes. I get em’ done when time allows. The shorter workouts are bodyweight

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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