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How I trained an 88 lb. weakling

Slightly over 2 years ago a young wrestler began training with us…. He weighed 88 lbs at the time and was 1 month out from wrestling season in which he would be wrestling at 103 lbs. We had little time

The Gladiator…

He was the first American Gracie Jiu Jitsu Black Belt…. He had his own homemade Russian Kettlebells in his gym loooong before they were popularized in the states… He taught classes with methods of Physical Culture when others were standing

Q & A from a skinny guy and a former inmate

Today I had a skinny guy stop into the gym….after he left the gym next door. The other day, another skinny guy who confessed to being a former inmate stopped by as well. I’m starting to worry who the heck

Tour inside my home office

I recieve many e mails regarding how I have attained success so quickly and especially more e mails on why I am such a go getter and so positive. Well, without a doubt, my past has shaped my future….things I

How to grab strength by the throat!

I have spoken many times before about getting people to respect “strength training”. It does piss me off, to see people whining about not being to get stronger, faster or bigger. I see these same people doing 1 arm dumbbell

lessons in insanity

I am in high speed, insanity mode lately. My energy and creativity has been running wild. Have you ever felt that sensation? Maybe it’s the amazing weather that I love so much happening right now… It’s all getting poured into

Charles Atlas and our 88 lb. weakling

Charles Atlas has the story of the 97 lb. weakling, well, I’ve got one about an 88 lb. weakling. His name is Charlie Frankel. How I met Charlie is quite the story…. It was in the attic of a Church,

My trip down memory lane

I headed down to the local elementary school to vote for the town budget and wow did I have some flashbacks. This was my old elementary school. I remembered the gymnasium as being HUGE, but when I stepped inside today

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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