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What do you need and what do you want?

Do you want to be strong, or do you want to be highly conditioned? Do you want to be explosive, or do you want to be agile, mobile and hostile? How about training for all of these traits? I know,

Kettlebell Night Ops

It was 10 PM at night. The air was cool and my wife was asleep. My daughter fell asleep at 8:30 PM and I just finish cleaning up, massaging my wife to fall asleep and unable to get in my

Underground Certification and Internship Updates

Our Underground Strength Coach Cert. for September is now closed and filled up 🙂 The first ever cert. was un-freakin-real and it really blew the roof off the gym. It was better than I ever planned or expected. Yes, things

The Rogue Warrior said…

Happy Father’s Day for my Dad’s reading this. For the ladies, please pass on my best wishes to the father’s you know 🙂 Long, long time ago I read a book called ‘Rogue Warrior’. It was very motivating and I

BONUS: Jim Wendler Throwback Interview, 2006

This is a STRONG Life BONUS Podcast episode. It’s a Throwback, from 2006, so please understand the audio quality back then was NOT what it is today. Instead, enjoy the Information. Jim is 100% through and through a super genuine

No Respect? Check this article out…

You need to read this: ==> More to come later 🙂 In Strength, –Z– PS – Dig deep and get some respect HERE as well.

What were you Born to do?

Here we go, another one of my “deep” posts for you. I hope this will make you think and take action. You see, about 1 1/2 years ago I was having dinner at my friends home in Florida, Ryan Lee.

Wanted! Intern for Underground Strength Gym

Have you seen the F-R-E-E videos I have rockin’ for you at my Blog? You better cruise on over to the video page asap… ==> Keep the speakers low, you don’t want your Boss to catch you doing your

Can you hear it, Can you feel it?

I was 23 years old and spending 2 weeks in Los Angeles as I was heavily thinking of moving out west. Every day I took a trip for a few hours into Venice, trained at the weight pit, trained at

Muscle Building Back in My Early Days…

When I first began setting up shop in my new home, in my 2 car garage, I was starting fresh. A brand new life of weight lifting. No more lame gyms, crappy music, depressing environments and finally, NO more rules!