I got myself 2 bad ass Kettlebells because the training will likely be at home now that we have our baby boy about to move in 🙂 Yes, I own a gym, but, I still love those backyard / outdoor
Ya gotta love these…they’re FREE and they get you freaking strong! My motivation all began when I visited the tire yard in town, and I spent about 30 seconds wrestling a tire to flip it over, which damn near killed
My wife was watching FOX news a few hours ago and I caught a few minutes with her. I’m not a big news watcher, too much negativity for me. The interesting thing that caught my attention was the guest they
At one point in time, my “gym equipment” was very little, and it all fit into the back of my SUV….with plenty of room to boot 🙂 I used three training tools and if I was limited to these 3
With the busy times hitting me hard, there is no fear. Most people would give up and skip workouts entirely. I’m too tired…. I don’t have time…. I can’t get to the gym… If you have 15 minutes, you have
Lifting odd objects has been around for ages. I have books from the mid 1800’s that show men lifting sandbags, stones, bars with cemented stones on the ends, ice blocks with handles and other muscle and strength building movements that
Who knows what the heck is gonna happen when Steve Maxwell and I get together on July 12, for The Gladiator Seminar. With both of us living on opposite ends of the country, this will likely never happen again. With
About 15 years ago I was training a bit with a Navy SEAL. He was in Israel at the time, but eventually came to the states. His training regiment was brutal. Three days a week he ran a good 10
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