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Mark your calendar

Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 12th. Yes, I know it’s a bit away, but, I’ll be hosting a seminar here at The Underground Strength Gymnasium with a friend and long time mentor…..I won’t reveal the name just yet. The

Seein’ is believin’

I have been adding a boat load of videos to The Underground. I’m getting crazeeeeeee with these videos, let me tell ya, I can’t even keep count of how many I have been adding lately 🙂 It’s finally a way

Can they handle it?

I’m not sure if the newsstands can handle all the weight with 2 of my power packed, heavy hitting articles on them! ha ha ok, ok, that was likely to be the worsed joke ever, but, if you’re at Barnes

the trail blazer

Time for some action. Time to do it your way, finally, not anyone else’s way. Seriously. Stop doing what you see everyone else doing. Stop copying the concentration curls, the lat pull downs, the smith machine presses….everything performed seated of

Modern Day Milo

If you’ve been visiting my Blog for a few weeks you may recall my old post about our young Football Player / Wrestler who carries a 100 lb sand bag on his back after every workout at The Underground Strength

Inside the Gladiator training program

Every Friday our ‘Gladiator Crew’ shows up to battle it out with some intense training. A powerful mixture of powerlifting, strongman, old school bodybuilding and calisthenics are incorporated. They never know what might come next. Will it be a powerlifting

Stay away from egos and assholes, Part II

First off, thanks to all who responded to my “personal blog post” late last night. The responses have been very motivating to me. As you can see, I am very emotionally driven when it comes to training and life in

My most personal blog ever

Wow, the past few weeks have been quite the whirl wind. I was feeling run down for a good 2 or 3 weeks, but somehow fighting things off. Probably adrenaline. I am pretty wired and can tough things out as

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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