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Push & Pull, SON!

Yoooooo Dudes! OK, now that my blog post title sounds semi pornographic, it’s time to get BUSY! Here is part II of me gettin’ CRAZY and High Reppin’ after going heavy on the overheads. I cranked 3 sets of the

Liftin’ Overhead and HEAVY!

Booya Baby! OK, so maybe my overhead isn’t heavy for YOU, but I’m pushin’ for the 225 lb overhead push press. It’s coming… will see. Watch me get busy and see how I get innovative AND pumped…. Those swiss bar

Upper Body Workout and THE 5 Year Plan!?!?

The inspiration to live a STRONG Life drives me to face my fears, be it in the gym or in life. The pic above of Ken Waller about to smash some heavy dumbbell benching also inspired me. I explain my

Freak Strength Friday

On some Fridays I send out an e mail to you guys and give you a “Freak Strength Friday” workout. Here and there I skip it and people cry…literally. So, here is a Freak Strength Friday workout for you to

My Favorite Full Body Workout

I am returning home from a week long business and vacation. Aside from push ups, my body (and mind) are starving for a full body workout. The workout I’m gonna crank ASAP upon my return to The Underground is a

There Are NO Secrets

Some say they have secrets for packing on freakish amounts of ripped muscle and insane amounts of strength. The internet is famous for click bait, louring you into something that sounds profound, but in a nut shell is a gimmick.

My Favorite Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Sport Training & Strength Training Books

I’ve Got an AWESOME video for you, and although it is a bit long (12 minutes), these are the books that have shaped and even changed my life…. So, grab some coffee, or a protein shake or maybe some fruit

Ricky Bruch Cranks the Power Bodybuilding

WOW! Lots of emotion heated up from yesterday’s video with Ricky Bruch. But, even though some disagreed with what may have been Ricky Burch’s past (who can say for fact what he did or did not do and deep down

How to Achieve Greatness and Become Fearless

Many, Many, MANY years ago, as a young teen, reading Arnold’s book, ‘Education of a Bodybuilder’ I remember Arnold speaking about being Fearless. I would keep taking the book out from the school library, renewing it every 2 weeks so

Liftin’ UP AND Livin’ it UP! Are You?

Yo Dudes….. I’ve said it enough times around here that hopefully you get my point. Lifting is not just about getting stronger, bigger, faster and ripped….. Remember, I’m a Soul Lifter, so I train the way I feel and I’m

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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