I was at a coffee shop one day and the guy working there saw my Underground shirt on. He told me he saw us on you tube, heard about us, saw us in the paper. He told me he was
Tim Ferriss encourages the 80/20 rule like a beast to keep your business kicking ass. It simply means 80 % of your results often come from 20% of your actions. He’s correct. Now it’s time to apply these rules to
Change can be a good thing. I am feeling a need for change. It starts from a point much deeper than my emotions, it’s just a Gut feeling I have. I find myself running home rather than driving home. I
Lead from the front… In Strength, Coach Z PS – I’m planning on unleashing some radically different training methods at my upcoming Gladiator Seminar with Steve Maxwell. Click Here and don’t miss out.
Last night I went to the neighboring downtown with my family as everyone got some ice cream. In case you’re wondering, I skipped the ice cream part 🙂 Don’t worry, I’m still human, I eat ice cream, but I’m on
Laird Hamilton is a beast of a man. He surfs waves that would sink huge cruise liners, he defies the odds and might be seen as a God in the ocean. Ironically, we have ourselves a modern day Laird Hamilton
I have been a big believer in hand walking ever since my undergrad class in Gymnastics back in 1996. My instructor was Mr. Gonzalez, he was an All American Wrestler and the owner of a Gymnastics school. He was a
People thought I was crazy, then again, people still think I’m crazy. Back when I was first training athletes in my garage, and even before I had a garage to train them in, our athletes were getting brutally strong without
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