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Man of Steel Challenge – Mad Men in Training!

I’m going through ALL the comments and videos for those who have posted reasons why they should earn The Man of Steel Challenge. Well, check out the MAD MEN who have created videos…… This is gonna be a TOUGH contest!

Man of Steel Challenge – Contest!

OK. It’s ON! Read the Entire message below, CAREFULLY. Don’t be a Lazy Looker, read EVERY word below. The Man of Steel Challenge is SOON to be released but before we open this Bad Boy up to the public, Smitty

BEAST Workout by The Va. Beach BEAST

Matty Wichlinski calls this a Freestyle Fighter Barbell Complex. Matty and I tore up a 1 Day Underground Strength Coach Cert this past Saturday at his gym. The night before we had some good grub, GREAT conversations and a few

EXTRA Workout for the SOUL

Lots of questions always fill the in box with “How do you train, Zach” – so, this is me, on an “off” day, doing some extra work, training that won’t get me sore but helps with conditioning and keeps me

CrossFit and Cross Training

Lots of people HATE CrossFit. Of course, it’s f**ing HARD workouts. Period. For my athletes I follow a system. A system of training is required to consistently get them stronger, more explosive, adding more muscle and improving their skill at

Underground Strength Challenge Strongman Circuit: 5 Rounds of Hell

Here’s a Gut Check Underground Strength Challenge for you….. I called this 5 Rounds of Hell, although hard work is beautiful, this will circuit will test you physically and mentally. Be sure to warm up thoroughly, as always. The 5

Sandbag Complexes and Home Gym Workouts

Lots of people often ask for my recommendation on how to set up a home gym, especially when limited on space, funds and time. Well, as you can see, I just cranked out some nasty Sandbag Complexes with The Underground

Dan Gable, Dedication & The Habit of Winning

Very interesting video below, and although it speaks of wrestling, you and I BOTH KNOW that what Dan Gable speaks of is applicable to anything in your life. Watch this Video… It’s quite amazing, that Dan Gable was about to

Ass Kickers, Inc.

Man, it’s AWESOME to see those putting to use what they’ve learned during Underground Strength Coach Mentorship Courses. Check out my boys from The UK, Zoran Dubaic and Sean Keefe. They sent me their opening highlight video and some good

Train Like a Mad Man

I had a goal of Trap Bar Deadlifting 225 lbs for 50 reps. It was easy, mainly because I didn’t allow myself the option to fail. I did fail, however, in my ability to count. I watched the video and

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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