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A Day at DeFranco’s – The Strongman Challenge

Yesterday I made the one hour trek up north to my homeboy Joe D’s gym, and damn, what a gym it is, I’m in heaven there. The atmosphere is always high octane and steel is always clanging together or being

The Underground Success Show – Episode 1, THE Premiere!

I am on a crazy motivated mission to start changing things “out there”….. More to come soon…… Kill it! –Coach Z–

Serious or not at all

Yesterday, we had a high school Football player pop in, asking about training. The H3 he pulled up in looked familiar, so i asked if he was related to a certain someone who trained at The Underground Strength Gym… for

Purposeful Primitive Book Review

Above, Kirk Karwoski, world record powerlifter trained under Marty Gallagher, Author of The Purposeful Primitive. One week ago I got a new training book I ordered in the mail, ‘The Purposeful Primitive’. It’s been a while since I got excited

You’re kidding, right?

Since the explosion of the internet and the fancy shmancy gyms that have been popping up on every corner of every town, notice how everyone struggles with results? You shoulda seen the gym Lou Ferrigno trained in when he was

I used to….

When I was 13 I started getting heavily into bodybuilding. But what impacted me most was the info found in the original, Arnold Schwarzenneger Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. In this HUGE book were tons and tons of black and white

Jonny Hinds & Kettlebells in Action: The Kettlebell Prison Style Workout

My homeboy, Jonny Hinds, is tearing it up with kettlebells and box jumps with his favorite style of training, “Prison Workouts”. Prison workouts usually involve some sort of: Descending / Ladder Style reps Total Rep Challenge

“Sky’s the limit!”

If you’re in a slump, don’t worry, I’ll help you step it up and make your way out of it. It’s mind power, and you and ONLY you can control your mind. The mind must be trained, just like your

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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