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465: Jeremy Hartman & Zach: BEST Strength Books + “Secrets” of our BEST Athletes (Elite Mindset, How They Train & EAT)

STRONG Life Podcast ep 465 – Brought to you by The Underground Strength Con Jeremy Hartman & Zach: BEST Strength Books + “Secrets” of our BEST Athletes (How They Train & EAT). Jeremy and I discuss what our best athletes

460: Jim Wendler | Training Football Players & Strength Training for “Older” Men

STRONG Life Podcast ep 460 with Jim Wendler Another GREAT conversation with my brother, Jim Wendler. Jim has a way of cutting through the BS, the fads and gimmicks and speaking the TRUTH on ALL things STRONG Life. Connect with

455 | 5 Tips to DESTROY Your Weakness + THE BEST Life Lesson You Need to Know

STRONG Life Podcast ep 455 5 Tips to DESTROY Your Weakness + THE BEST Life Lesson 1) Train for Strength. You build a physique that speaks for itself when you are STRONG. There is a difference in the physique built

454: Strength Training Lessons from the Mountains of West Virginia

I had a great time traveling with my daughter for Tennis at West Va University. My buddies encouraged me to connect with Tanner Kolb, The S&C Coach for West Va. University Wrestling and I am so glad I did! I

453 | Vermont Spartan Trip Lessons and Updates

STRONG Life Podcast ep 453 Brought to you by and Gladiator STRONG – 7 Days FREE Intro Last weekend I took a whirlwind 24 hour trip to Vermont, the home of Spartan HQ and dropped in on The Spartan

452 | Parenting Advices, Life Advices & Lessons in Success for the Family Man

STRONG Life Podcast ep 452 Topics: Parenting Advices, Life Advices & Lessons in Success In this episode I share my experiences and “advices” in parenting and how strength training and leadership helps you and your family achieve more success. Even

450 | State of the Union of Strength & Conditioning

State of the Union of Strength & Conditioning – Inspired after a recent convo with John Welbourn on Power Athlete Radio, I wanted to elaborate further on this question / topic that John brought up during a recent podcast. I

449: Proven Muscle Building Tips, Beginner Strength Training Tips, Strength Coach Business Tips & Nothing & No One is “Saving You” or Magically Changing Your Life

STRONG Life Podcast ep 449 Proven Muscle Building Tips, Beginner Strength Training Tips, Strength Coach Business Tips & Nothing & No One is “Saving You” or Magically Changing Your Life Brought to you by – BEST FREE NEWSLETTER EVER

5 Wrestling Strength Tips to Become a Winning & Pinning Machine

5 Wrestling Strength Tips: 1) Implement carries, calisthenics & sleds on the regular. GPP must be a high focus for wrestlers to build durability both physically and mentally. 20 years ago I was on the phone w/ Louie Simmons of

7 Common Mistakes Teen Athletes make as well as Coaches

7 Common Mistakes Teen Athletes make as well as Coaches: 1) Lifting too heavy, too often in the 1 – 5 rep range. Grind reps do not contribute to speed, power or hypertrophy 2) Incorrect Technique. HOW you do an

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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