Strength Building

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The Gladiator Strength Seminar is LIVE!

It’s finally here…. Sorry for the delay, but as a Gladiator myself, my tech skills are not the hottest, ha ha. I have added 2 very rare and unique bonuses as well, 1 is a DVD (when you go to

Episode # 67: Coach Ethan Reeve Inspired Workout

Keeping the same theme: Attacking training with heavy basics. Heavy Basics keeps you honest and brings the results. Here we go…. A training session inspired by Coach Ethan Reeve. I get fired up when I train so hopefully you can

Episode # 66: The Door & A Bronx Tale…in Edison!?

“Nows you can’t leave” I was a freshman in college and had creative writing. I seriously fell in love with the class and never knew how much I LOVED writing until I as given free reign to write about anything

Blasting the Iron with Passion!

The gym is the place where I lose myself and find myself. If I can start or finish my day in the gym, it’s a way to know I did what others dared not do. I want to train and

Underground Strength Show # 62 & 63: Rusty Iron, NO Rules Workouts & Mental Toughness

Training doesn’t have to be perfect for it to work. Often times, the imperfections are better because they train the mind AND the body as one. They force you to cope with the “resistance” that is more than just the

Episode # 62: The Leg Crank (from Hell)

This leg crank will rock your lower body BIG time. If you love being sore, go ahead and kill it! **Parden the crappy camera angles & footage, but hey, I’m a 1 man show here, have mercy on me! ha

Underground Strength Training in Germany!

Wow, check out fellow Undergrounder, Dominik Feischl, killing it in his backyard where he has one heck of an Underground set up. This definitely gives me memories of what was going on in my backyard back when it all began.

Episode # 61: Never Enough!

Do you quit when the going gets tough? Do you let the naysayers bring you down and tell you how bad the economy is? When you’re crazy busy, do you skip the workout or do you suck it up and

Episode # 60: Are you an addict?

A lot of people telling me they’re addicted to the Underground Strength Show! That is insane! And very, VERY humbling. On the flip side, will everyone love or like everything I do or every episode? Heck No! That’s life and

I don’t need no stinkin’ gym!

Today I headed to the playground to kill it an OLD monkey bar type gym. And although I own a gym, I still prefer the outdoors. If I lived in a year round warm weather area, my gym would be