Search Results for: wichlinski – Page 2

How to Kick Ass in Life AND a Warehouse Gym

There are those who “Get it” and those who simply don’t “Get it”. Some struggle with how to train athletes, having no system of their own, no time in the trenches and too much time on their ass sitting in

Underground Strength Coach Cert Inspiration WINNERS!

Holy S**t! The Underground Strength Coach Inspiration Contest BLEW ME AWAY! And by reading ALL the comments, I can see YOU were also inspired! I am beyond amazed and inspired by the videos that were made. I compiled the votes

Kettlebell Workout Secrets that Build SERIOUS Strength!

Pay attention below as The Iron Tamer drops some serious nuggets of gold for you! This is Kettlebell training secrets at their finest, bound to get you stronger, add more muscle and skyrocket your conditioning….. I’m about to tear it

Homemade Bulgarian Bag Training

Check out Underground Strength Coach, Matty Wichlinski, making a homemade Sandbag. I’m gonna crank a few of these myself and get our athletes squatting, lunging, jumping and throwing them. Check it & let me know your thoughts below 🙂 You

Episode # 118: Overhead and Heavy!

Onward and upward we go bruddahs…. The next part of the workout was a couplet or superset: 1 arm dumbbell push press for 3 -5 reps per set scare crow – face pull combo using rings or blast straps (these

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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