This was passed on to me by a close friend and actually my first ever business coach, Jim Labadie. Between this video and seeing Joe D’s movie premiere, things are about to radically change for me. I hope you’re on
In case I forgot (which I think I did….) On Saturday, May 10th, at 12 Noon, I will be holding my annual LIFT Strong fundraiser, a strongman contest for my athletes who are raising money to benefit the Leukemia and
Wow, what a night Thursday was…. Sorry for the delay on this, I’ve been pretty wiped out since Thursday night 🙂 Stay tuned though, because I will have some cool trip footage of my times Thursday night to be posted
Ask me anything by commenting to the post. I’ll be answering the questions over the next few days 🙂 Have fun and ask away! Dedicated to your success, –Z– P.S. – I get PSYCHED when I receive e mails such
As the world becomes a busier and busier place for so many of us, it seems that rather than think for ourselves, and do what is best for us, too many people blindly copy other materials. I’m talking about copying
I think it’s much easier than people make it when it comes to getting stronger, adding muscle and getting faster….and I mean getting these results FAST! Make no mistake regarding “easy” and “simple”. Easy is walking in the park…simple is
A few weeks ago one of my clients saw me training before they were about to tear it up. I had about 15 minutes so I tore through some heavy power cleans supersetted with ring dips. He knew I was
Today I was at my homeboy Ryan Lee’s Millionaire Workout Workshop. Ryan delivered some hard hitting info and I was sitting front and center to soak it all in. Being a student at all times is critical for success. Should
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