I had some interesting conversations recently with Strength Coaches. Conversations that run the spectrum from “Holy sh*t, I can’t believe that happened….”, to “He now trains people in his garage & texts our clients, telling them to come train with
I wonder if the world would be different in my eyes if I never wrestled? My older brother told me “It’s the most awesome sport!” I was in 8th grade at the time and he was a sophomore in high
This Blog Post is gonna get intense. Why so intense? Because I don’t accept or encourage mediocrity. Mediocrity sucks. I can’t stand it. Even more so, I get pissed off how passionate people get reprimanded, lose their jobs, etc while
Guest Post by Shawn Charlebois, CUSC L1 Somebody much smarter than me once said “We Are What We Repeatedly Do”. I don’t know about you but I want to be strong. I did a lot of growing up in jail.
My buddy and I used to hunt the area for the best playgrounds. We looked for parallel bars and pull up bars specifically. These were gems. Some schools removed their entire playground if one child fell and got injured. So
In my recent discussion on training mistakes and program design with Josh Bryant we spoke honestly and openly about our own mistakes and what we see in others that are also commonplace. If you’re reading this article it means you
It’s been a whirlwind few weeks. The type of adversity that doesn’t give a shit how much weight I can squat or deadlift. Living a STRONG Life transcends the weight on the bar. The STRONG Life transcends what “everyone else”
When schools or individuals are worried about turf instead of their grass field, a beautiful weight room instead of the old dungeon weight room and sophisticated X, Y, Z …….. They are worried about the WRONG things. The TRUTH is
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