It wasn’t too long ago I was maybe like you, or, maybe even worsed off. $20K + in debt (that’s Negative money!), struggling to keep up with the fast pace of the world while barely making enough money, and this
Here is something very kick ass the crew put together from Elite FTS. Please read below…. EliteFTS athletes know that with the right mindset, even the toughest challenges can eventually be overcome. This takes both dedication and an iron will.
I am looking for an intern for The Underground Strength Gym in Edison, NJ. You should be fairly close to Edison, NJ to make this work. The internship will last 6 weeks and is unpaid. Here’s how you qualify: –
Maybe I’ve watched The Sopranos too many times, or maybe it’s just been 1 of those days. I take it out on the weights. WARNING: If you’re easily offended or under 18 years of age don’t watch this. Just like
I am a BIG believer in following your heart and doing what you love. This is why I created The Underground Strength Coach Certification. I wanted to offer a system, an A – Z blue print on how I do
Just like anyone else, I get fired up sometimes. I have bad days. I struggle. My best therapy is to crush it with the weights, it doesn’t matter what kind of weights, I’ll take anything I can get my hands
Today I was about to close up shop at the gym until an old friend strolled in to wish me a happy birthday. Johnny and I competed against each other in the 1995 Teenage Mr. NJ! That was a loooong
Back in the day York Barbell held strength and health picnics where the greats demonstarted their amazing feats of strength, fans came and watched, lifters shared good times, good food and much laughter. There was amazing comraderie, great training and
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