Bodyweight Bodybuilding

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The Power Behind Bodyweight Bodybuilding Playground Workouts

I am getting more and MORE hyped on Bodyweight Training. I feel GREAT attacking the calisthenics and with warmer weather especially, it is perfect for training outdoors to rejuvenate mind, body & spirit. The cold is not to be feared

The Power of Deadlifts and Dips

Many say that deadlifts will wreck your back…. True, if you do them wrong. Many say dips will wreck your shoulders…. True, if you do them wrong.

BRUTAL Bodyweight, Sandbags & Kettlebell Workout

I often find myself looking for a tough workout. Something to give me a good ol’ gut check. My fear of becoming “normal” or “just like everybody else” worries me BIG time. On this particular day I got to my

Prison Strength Training & Convict Conditioning

MANY years ago (2005 or 2006) I took a trip to the prison where the movie Lock Up was filmed with Sly Stallone. I wanted to learn how the inmates trained. In a nut shell, I was hungry to learn

3 Ways to Develop Speed & Explosive POWER

Wanna be explosive, athletic, agile, mobile and hostile? Step 1: Get STRONG as Hell. Strength is your foundation, you hear this all the time, and I would say this is almost entirely true. I have seen lots of guys, strong

The Power Of Calisthenics & Convict Conditioning Inspiration

Above, Kyle and Cory Markovitch who train at The Underground Strength Gym hit the 1,000 Pul Up Club before Wrestling Season ended. GREAT kids with GREAT work ethic! BOTH were state qualifiers during their time as NJ High School Wrestlers

2 Critical Program Design Tips, Identifying “Dangerous” Exercises & Knowing Your Enemy

Remember that OLD school tune with Rage Against the Machine, “Know the Enemy”? Yep, Yep… well, with training, it’s the same difference. After training for 22 years I am still learning more and more about my body, sometimes, ya gotta

Becoming a BEAST with Bodyweight Workouts

Believe it or not, the gyms “back in the day” looked much like what everyone is trying to use as a fad today, calling everything “old school” is TRUE, but, old school strength back in the day was NOT being

Bodyweight Workout Post Sandbag Challenge

WOW! That John Welbourn Underground Sandbag Challenge busted me up as well as everyone else! Sometimes, you need a good ol’ gut check training session! Some athletes were laying down for 5 – 10 minutes after going ALL out for

Bodyweight Bodybuilding BEAST Workouts

Bodyweight training is in my blood, just like lifting heavy objects is in my blood. Ironically, MANY think the two don’t go hand in hand, they believe it’s ONE or the other. Not true, my friends, I live for BOTH

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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