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Interview with THE Original Gladiator

Years ago, I was lucky enough to come across a College Strength & Conditioning Coach who I related to very much. His psychological and physical ways of training made sense to me BIG time, perhaps because we were both wrestlers.

The Underground Strength Show Returns!

Been a while since I have rocked The USS! Been busy showcasing the athletes instead. See what’s up below and drop a line! Part II of this bad ass workout coming soon. Stay tuned and drop a comment or question

Are You Training Like an Animal?

A few years back i was introduced to Jonny Hinds, owner & creator of The Monkey Bar Gym. Pat Miletich and I were chatting by phone and told me I need to connect w/Jonny. Pat was a former UFC champion

The Soul Lifter, The Iron Man – Where are You?

I started lifting weights back when I was 13, it was 2 weeks before 8th grade was over. I used the weights my older bro had in his room down stairs on an old school Weider Bench. Some of those

Freak Strength Workout & When the Clock Strikes Midnight…

I have been crazy busy the past few weeks, and I forgot about ‘FREAK Strength Friday’!! How could I ever forget! There are TWO things in the Blog today: 1) Your FREAK Strength Friday Workout 2) Information on tonight’s release

The Beginning Days of What Changed My Life Forever!

Check out this rare video done in the Pizzaria next door to my gym. I talk about how my business started, my early influences, my lack of money, my first time Tire flipping, how I got my first clients, grip

Best Bench Press Tips from a Westside Powerlifter

As I promised you in my latest newsletter, my homeboy AJ Roberts, a professional powerlifter hailing from the strongest gym in the world, The Westside Barbell Club, is hooking up all my bruddahs with this kick ass, 30 minute video

Why The Bench Press Sucks

Above, Sergio Oliva, a BIG proponent of The Bench Press The Bench Press sucks. Squats also suck. They suck if you perform them wrong, OR, perform them too often. Overuse injuries occur, unless, that is, you know how to build

How To Improve Your Bench Press

Check out what happens when my college wrecking crew hijacks my flip cam and gets a lil’ wild on the bench press. Don’t Forget…Drop a comment with your questions / comments… These guys love to bench big but don’t worry

Crazy Journey Down the Jersey Shore

Here’s some post workout footage of myself, Pauly Reddick, Uncle Mike Stehle & The Milk Man. Leave your comments below, this gets CRAZY!! That was a crazy freaking time! Let me know your thoughts below! Drop a comment 🙂 Peace!

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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