Old School Strength

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3 Rules For Short, Effective Workouts

Workouts don’t have to be long to be effective. Trust me, I KNOW. I used to spend 90 – 120 minutes in the gym each and every workout. Back in high school, it wasn’t odd for me to be there

4 Surefire Ways To Get STRONGER

When I need to remind myself on what it takes to get strong it boils down to 4 key components. Nothing special. Completely Basic & Simple, but…. NOT EASY. It boils down to doing these 4 things…..

Imperfect Workouts & ReFocusing Passion

Back in the day when my garage, backyard & playgrounds were OUR training grounds……. [youtube width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx1-eehKHrQ[/youtube] One of my most popular training courses sparked a TON of controversy when it was released. I remember like yesterday, people e mailing

Underground Strength Gym, Injuries & Success

Check out this podcast I cranked with Mike Robertson a month or two ago. In this conversation, Mike asks me about: – How The Underground Strength Gym got started – How & who I was influenced by in training and

Training In Your Mid 30s

I’ve got some tips for you regarding training in your mid 30s, staying strong and staying healthy. Please don’t disregard this video if your NOT in your 30s. Even if you’re a teenager you should be listening and watching. NEVER

3 Strength AND Conditioning Tips

It’s GREAT to be Strong. It’s GREAT to be Conditioned….. But it’s BEST when you have BOTH Strength AND Conditioning. If I can pit one example of this I’ll use my friend, Jim Wendler, shown in videos below. He keeps

7 Tips For Improving Your Deadlift – A MUST Read For ALL Men

[youtube width=”640″ height=”390″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DchUE6Wy67s&t=2m23s[/youtube] There are a few critical things you want to do that will help strengthen YOUR Deadlift. Notice I put the CAPS on. Some of these tips will need to be tweaked for YOU. That happens when YOU

Intermittent Fasting, Jack LaLanne & YOUR Health

I recall the moment as if it just happened 5 minutes ago. I was in my mid 20s and full force in my bodybuilding days….. I was at the mall, shopping with my girlfriend at the time, now my wife.

Underground Home Gym Workouts

Above, Dr. Ken Leistner working on his garage gym, a place known for EPIC workouts, rain or shine, brutal temps, Summer or Winter were irrelevant. It was REALLY tempting to find a way to make my Underground Home Gym a

Solo Workouts, Cold Weather & Mental Training

I am excited to crank this blog post, as ALWAYS! The photos of old school greats and Golden Era bodybuilding always fires me up. Energy is sky high lately, I’ve been fasting often and experimenting with my nutrition and it’s

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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