Here’s a little news flash that will hurt many people’s feelings: Just because you see it on YouTube doesn’t mean it’s what ALWAYS happens in that person’s training. Just because the guy behind the camera is ripped doesn’t mean he
In a world where blaming others and lack of responsibility is running rampant, I want to turn the page for a moment. I am asked often about “sports specific training” and running 2 gyms and listening to parents and athletes
I will call this the Anti Mediocrity Show, aka The F–K Average Show. I did a better job at managing my colorful language in this episode as I answered your questions on a variety of topics from training to running
How can you get better with age when everyone around you is saying ….. “Just wait till you get to my age, bro…..” “Dude, I used to be ripped like you…..” “I used to have all that free time….” “Your
In episode 65 of The STRONG Life Podcast I went with the theme of ALL Training QnA. Some of The Questions / Topics covered were: Building muscle for high school athletes Training as you get into your 30s and 40s
To develop a Spartan Mindset, an indomitable spirit, you must challenge yourself through Spartan Workouts. You must train AND live in a way that keeps you dangerous, in your own mind and in the mind of others. This is a
_____________ I constantly hear men saying, “I have NO time to workout, NO time to train!” That is all BS. Make time or Make excuses. The choice is yours. You don’t need a gym membership. Heck, you don’t even need
Give me nothing but a Barbell and I will Build a BadAss. Do you have the discipline, drive and dedication to train with nothing but a barbell? If you do, then we can make it happen. But the truth is
I find myself more and more returning to methods I used in the 90s. Maybe it’s my age, both in biological terms and training age terms. Spending all these years under the bar since 1989 I am still excited to
Training goes far beyond sets and reps. Far beyond in season, off season, pre season and post season. Far beyond science….. In this Video I break down the training methods, the assessment, how I blend gym experience with science and
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