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They Were WRONG – Undergrounders REPRESENT!

Meet Kurty G, a tri athlete, who deadlifts 455 on a straight bar, weighs 196 lbs, runs 1/2 marathons, competes in triathlons and coaches at The Underground. Oh yea, he’s also competing in 2 weeks at our 4th annual Lift

Lift STRONG Fundraiser 2011

It’s time, and I want YOU to help. The way to register is to FIRST, watch the video below. Next, if you want to compete, drop a comment with your FULL name as well as the category you will be

BEASTS of The Underground

AT my recent USC Cert, GR Hoff recorded some training going down at The Underground and put together a lil’ highlight to motivate his athletes. My next USC Cert is around the corner in Ft Lauderdale, so if you’re in

Underground Strength Coaches Rock Austin, TX

Just a lil’ taste of what went down last weekend in Austin, TX, perhaps one of my favorite places I’ve ever been to, and not just because the town is so kick ass, but because the friendships I’ve built there

Powerlifting vs Strongman

I just got home after a kick ass weekend in Austin, TX. Austin is a cool as hell town, reminds me of a blend between my hometown and San Diego. The people are cool as hell, the cabbies are slower

CrossFit Endurance – Breaking ALL the Rules

Back in the day, in fact, even today, when people train for long distance running or running of any sort, their training involves running, more running and of course, some more running. I even get countless horror stories from my

The John Welbourn Sandbag Challenge

What happens when a former NFL Lineman, 310 lb BEAST challenges you? You step up and go BEAST mode…. and then quickly realize BEAST is what I will always be chasing…. John Welbourn came up with a sandbag challenge from

Diesel Crew + Underground Strength = BMF S&C

Diesel Crew + Underground Strength = BMF Strength & Conditioning Coming Tuesday, stay tuned…. Stay tuned, coming Tuesday morning, The Diesel Underground Combat Seminar will be unleashed. Kick Ass, Till the next time…. –Z– PS: Follow me on Twitter and

Old School Strongman Sandbag Workout, Part II

Here is Part II of my Old School Strength Inspired Sandbag Workout. Part I, was inspired by The Mighty Hermann Goerner. Part II, still inspired by Hermann Goerner, but also inspired by Coach Ethan Reeve. Coach Reeve told me about

Monday Motivation: “You Want Something, Go Get It, Period”

“You can’t do that” “You’re too old” “You’re too young” “You’ve got no money” “That’s too hard” “Nobody ever did that” “You’re crazy” “Stop Dreaming” Let me tell you something. Many of the most successful people in the world were

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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