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Beast Training – Eat and Train Like an Animal

Yesterday I jumped in with Judo Beast, David Ellis for a workout. With wrestlers attending camps, Football players preparing for battle at this weekends World’s Strongest Athlete Competition I was able to catch some down time and do some Beast

Kettlebell Training & Jump Training for Size, Speed & Strength

Strength is of critical importance for any athlete / adult, regardless of age. Speed is the next gear that takes strength to the next level. When I hear Coaches go on and on about strength and say nothing of speed

Lift STRONG Fundraiser – The Strongman Log

Part II of the fundraiser, the strongman log! High school bruddahs rocked the 100 lb log and college athletes cranked the 160 lb log. Check it and drop a comment, thought, question or random anything 🙂 Soon it will

Lift STRONG Fundraiser – The Tire Flip

Let the games begin. Here is the beginning moments of The Lift STRONG Fundraiser, and yes, there will be MORE footage to come! You saw high school athletes, collegiate athletes and NJ state troopers competing in the above video, tearing

Underground Strength Gym High School Pull Up Contest

A few of the high school bruddahs needed a lil’ extra motivation so i decided to crank an unannounced pull up contest to win our latest Underground T Shirts. You’ll see they ALL hit double digits. What’s more important is

Lift STRONG Preparation – Gladiators Only!

This Friday we will be holding our annual fundraiser, ‘Lift STRONG’ – everyone is invited to watch and support, our athletes will be competing and battling to say the lives of others. It will be a WAR come this Friday,

The Jersey Shore Strength Challenge, Part Deux

This is round 1 of a 5 round circuit. Check the video below….. That was not an easy workout headed by Uncle Mike Stehle and The Milkman (Both Beasts pictured below). Uncle Mike Stehle of course had his favorite pasttime

Stories of Vintage Bodybuilding & Strength Training, Part I

I had a GREAT time as always at Skiba’s Barbell Club in Carteret, NJ. I was lucky to chat with Skiba’s long time friend and vintage strength historian, Ray Anderson. This is part I of a 2 part interview so

Homemade Bulgarian Bag Training

Check out Underground Strength Coach, Matty Wichlinski, making a homemade Sandbag. I’m gonna crank a few of these myself and get our athletes squatting, lunging, jumping and throwing them. Check it & let me know your thoughts below 🙂 You

Follow Your Passion, Forget the Fear

Once again, from all over the USA this time (often times around the world) aspiring Strength Coaches and Biz Owners traveled to The Underground Strength Gym via planes, trains and autombiles. They learned the blue print and the exact system

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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