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STRONG Life Ep. 26: 3 Tips To Start Your Day with POWER to Maximize Success

“How do you get so much done and still have time to train and time to be with your family?” That is the common question I get asked so I went ahead and crushed a solo STRONG Life podcast to

STRONG Life Ep 25: Jill Miller Talks Life, Health, Success & Passion

Finally! The first lady of The STRONG Life Podcast! Jill Miller, creator of Yoga Tune Up, talks about…. – Being successful as a female entrepreneur where most ladies shy away from achieving success & sharing their knowledge and passion. –

10 Memories From 6 Years Old & 20 Pieces of Advice for My Son On His 6th Birthday

June 26th, 2014 Today my son turns 6 years old. Time flies too fast. I track time with my own memories. I remember being 6 years old like it was yesterday. Here I am, 38 years old and I worry

Important Lessons I’ve Learned About Money & Life

Have you ever used these words: “I can’t afford that….” “I don’t have the money right now….” “That’s too expensive…” Or, maybe you’ve heard other people throw those words around loosely. Being a Coach for several decades now and an

STRONG Life 23: Who CARES? The Butcher VS The Accupuncturist & Success in Business & Life

In this episode of The STRONG Life Podcast I share with you some real world stories of why some people succeed in business and life, why some get stuck in mediocrity and why some flat out fail. This is a

All The Good Things In Life, Money Can’t Buy – Cyborg Documentary

MANY Business “experts” will tell you how to run a business to make money. Yea. YOU get that money, boy! Systems. Team Building. Levels of Ascension. I get that. I do these things. But wanna know what VERY FEW people

How To Be The BEST At Everything You Do

A high school senior sent me a frantic e mail 4 weeks into his season. The FINAL season of his high school career. He would NEVER get this chance again. He wanted to be the best. He wanted to silence

5 Success Tips for Life AND Lifting

Your life on earth goes way too fast. As a father, understanding time has never been so powerful. Windows of opportunity are NOT always there for you. They come and go very fast. If “tomorrow” and “next time” are in

STRONG Life PodCast 21: Alwyn Cosgrove on LIFE, Business & Success

I hope you are ready for the AWESOMENESS of the latest STRONG Life Podcast with my mentor and great friend, Alwyn Cosgrove. Alwyn has beaten stage IV cancer TWICE, is the co owner (along with his awesome wifey, Rachel) of

Trust Your Gut Instincts: Advice On Life, Training & Business

Time to drop some truth. I see no other way to do things. The photo above, from Paolo Coelho speaks loud and clear. Do NOT lie to yourself. EVER. Trust your gut instincts. When you deny your gut instincts you

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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