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Life WithOUT Passion is NO Life at All – Ultimate Warrior Memories

WARNING: NOT Work / Family Safe I am shocked…. sometimes disappointed….. sometimes disgusted…. sometimes sick to my stomach….. when I see people who have NO passion for anything in life. It confuses me. I don’t know how that can happen

35 Life & Lifting Lessons, Part II

If you missed Part I, check it HERE 17) After freshman wrestling season ended I joined Apollon Gym, which is the gym I share a parking lot with today! I trained 6 – 7 days a week, for a minimum

35 Life & Lifting Lessons

Holy S**t! In a few short weeks I’ll be 36. Time goes fast. TOO Fast. Here’s some stories and lessons I’ve learned along the way & hopefully you’re not too cool to learn from some of these. Anyway, for no

Don’t Get Stuck Being Strong AND Useless

In a recent interview I was listening to between Mike Robertson and NFL Strength Coach Joe “House” Kenn, Joe was asked an interesting question. He was asked what he would like to see more of AND what he wishes he

Are You Stronger Than an Idiot aka Learning From Injuries?

Time to lay down the law on those who listen and especially those who are “good enough” and only listen to a select few. Remember, to achieve greater success you must acquire the mindset of “always a white belt”. The

Lessons Learned From The STRONGEST Guy From The Old School YMCA (Circa 1990)

I still remember that guy, even though I met him when I was only 14 years old, a freshman in high school with dreams of being bigger and stronger than everyone else. Back then, the YMCA was ending the era

When Giants Roamed the Earth

Original Article by Jeff Everson Excerpt from the book ‘Forgotten Secrets of The Culver City Westside Barbell Club’ by Dave Yarnell. Before the last epoch of the Cenozoic era, some 65 million years ago, great beasts roamed the earth. These

Bodyweight Workout For Size & Strength Using The “Ladder Technique”

I’ve spoken often about using the “ladder technique” with my Bodyweight Bodybuilding training course, but also with Kettlebell Workouts and sometimes with deadlifts as well and had great success. The ladder technique is a powerful way to increase your strength,

Hunting for a Playground Workout – The End?

I got LUCKY. I Found myself a GREAT playground, still in need of finding pull up bars and dip bars that are up HIGH so my feet don’t drag on the ground. I’ve seen these “advanced playgrounds” in videos outside

BRUTAL Bodyweight, Sandbags & Kettlebell Workout

I often find myself looking for a tough workout. Something to give me a good ol’ gut check. My fear of becoming “normal” or “just like everybody else” worries me BIG time. On this particular day I got to my

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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