Tag: strong life podcast

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STRONGER In Life & In The Gym: Be The Hammer, NOT The Nail

I came across a quote from the book RELENTLESS recently, it was simply yet powerful, it said this: “Life is complicated, training is not.” This was awesome because simplicity can be and truly always will be powerful and effective. I

3 STRONG Life Success Tips & Why Successful People Are Considered “Crazy”

Since my youngest years, I can consistently recall how anyone achieving anything at a higher level than “normal” was called “crazy”, as if achieving success and fighting the urge to fall in line with mediocrity was a bad thing. At

SPARTAN Life Wisdom; Adapt, Overcome & Improvise

In this Spartan Video from The Spartan Wrestling Camp, I join with Joe DeSena, Col. Nye and Charlie Pritchard to share Spartan Success Tips and Wisdom on “what it takes”. The different between good and great. The ability to adapt,

28 Years of Lifting: Strength Training In Your 40s & Training As You Get Older

This is the article I dreaded ever having to write; “Training as you get older” or “Training in your 40s”. Before I move forward, understand, these are my experiences. My experiences don’t make anything universal or the end all, be

Farmer Carries Are Great, But…..

Before I even owned my gym I met up with some guys who were competitive strongmen. I was training out of my garage mostly, here and there going to the local tire yard for some tire flips….. It was Saturday

Getting Stronger: Why The Power Lies In The Imperfections

Every morning I am up and at em’ in a similar fashion. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. I understand this isn’t what “sells” but oh well…… I am always ready to lose the popularity contest so I can stay true to

5 STRONG Life Tips | Everyday Is a Struggle, But, The Struggle IS The Gift

The internet is a funny place. People don’t see your entire life so they generalize your life according to what they see on your Instagram or YouTube channel. Well guess what, I feel like we are all more similar than

Why I Screwed Up By Motivating Others Who Ultimately Didn’t Change for the Better

Last night I had a solid QnA on my Instagram…… I love the QnAs because I get to answer specific questions rather than guessing what others want me to talk about. Someone asked me how to wake up early on

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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