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Q & A on Guaging Progress

Great question just came in after some Easter Festvities with the Family 🙂 I LOVE apending time with my family. My wife and daughter REALLY make every breathing moment a magical time for me. Soon, we’ll have a new baby

What’s the Champion’s Way?

Coach Ethan Reeve told me how he would never stop a kid from doing extra work if they wanted to. The last thing you want to tell a kid who wants to keep working hard is, “Slow down Johnny, take

Q & A on Squats

Zach, Question on squats. How often do you include squats in your workout? What kind of squats do you use (zercher, front, breathing, etc.)? Thanks! Jeff ANSWER I personally do squats at least every other week. Usually I alternate deadlifts

Stay Away from Egos and Assholes

One thing I have learned greatly through the years is that people with egos and attitude problems need to be eliminated from your circle of influence. They’re no good for you and they want to bring you down. They also

The Guru Who Never Was

This oughtta piss some people off 🙂 I am a student first, teacher second. My primary goal is to learn more and more so I can pass on the knowledge to those who want to learn. Still, I receive some

Where Are all the Seats?

There are NO chairs at my seminars because they are hands on. Yes, you MUST learn by getting your “feet wet” or your “hands dirty” – watching and listening to lecture never cuts it. On April 5th I’ll be presenting

Eagles Fly Alone

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of “life”, so you make things easier on yourself and begin following everyone else. Or, maybe that’s not so easy. What sparked this topic today on an early Sunday morning?

I Beg for Fancy

Above, 1 arm high pulls with a 150 lb Globe dumbbell. Strength training seems to teeter totter between ultra basic to ultra fancy and then back to ultra basic. Fancy never worked too good, yet people cry and moan when

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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