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New Video Series – How We Train at The Underground Strength Gym?

How do we train at The Underground? The question is always asked, and the honest answer is this: Every group is different, every kid is different. I might have a general template for the crew to follow but each kid

STRONG Life Podcast 17: Barbell Buddha | Living Your Dreams & Being STRONG

In this episode of The STRONG Life, I interview Chris Moore, aka Barbell Buddha. Chris has been in the iron game since he was a child. He became a different kind of a “meathead”. Yes, he loved lifting heavy and

7 Keys to Successful Youth Speed Training

7 KEYS YOUTH ACCELERATION AND SPEED DEVELOPMENT TRAINING By Travis Hansen / Results by Science Note from Zach: Many of you know I work with high school athletes primarily, and I am also against fads and gimmicks. Travis gives GREAT

STRONG Cast 15: Joe DeSena, Spartan Race Founder & The Spartan Lifestyle

In this episode of The STRONG Life, aka STRONGCast, I interview The Founder of The Spartan Race & The Death Race, Joe DeSena. This is an amazing story, from his early years growing up in Queens, then living “the perfect

Is DAILY Bodyweight Training Effective & Safe For Muscle & Strength Gains?

This started all the way back in 1989. Every time I passed a pull up bar or anything I could grab on to over head, I banged out pull ups. This became a daily practice. Same for push ups. Push

3 Speed Training Fallacies To Avoid

3 Speed Training Fallacies to Avoid By Travis Hansen / Author, The Speed Training Encyclopedia In this article we will explore and identify three of the most common speed training myths on the market today. It’s quite possible to perhaps

STRONGCast # 11: Simple Life, Navy SEAL Stew Smith, SEAL & BUD/S Training

In this episode of The STRONGCast I get to interview a man I’ve looked up to since day 1, former Navy SEAL, Stew Smith. Stew was at the forefront of getting quality information on the web back in the last

How To Strengthen Your Lower Back & “Core”

It was my last year teaching and my stress was at an all time high. I was repeatedly straining my lower back, particularly the QL (Quadratus Lumborum). I was training hard but also living hard. It was taking a toll

10 Reasons You’re NOT Gaining Muscle or Getting Stonger

As I “get older” and time seems to be going way too fast, I have been thinking about time, training, life and a slew of other things. This whole life thing goes way too fast. Every year I get older,

The BIG Sale Is On

Yep. I am finally holding a sale. I was going to wait until my 38th birthday, which is around the corner, but I already had e mails harassing me about a Black Friday sale, ha ha. So I figured what

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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