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256 | Iron History with Richard “Pops” Sorin

Prepare to travel back in time with Richard “Pops” Sorin with STRONG Life Podcast 256. We’re gonna try and get these done somewhat often and dig deep into Iron History and the early days of Sorinex. Pops is a

7 Strength Training / Coaching Mistakes that Hurt Athletes

I’m gonna kick this off with something that might sound like arrogance, but in truth, it’s me taking pride in what we do and the results we’ve been delivering since day 1, 2002 garage days. I used to get hated

255 | Jim Wendler: Training High School Athletes, Thoughts on Social Media, Music & Best Business “Advices”

STRONG Life Podcast 255 with Jim Wendler. This episode is a barn burner and loaded with passion, real life training talk, discussions on our own training as we “get older” plus everything in between. Of course, we get into

254: Alan Thrall on Strength Training, Gym Business & Growth Mindset

STRONG Life Podcast ep 254 with Alan Thrall. This was a LOG overdue podcast with Alan. I’ve been following Alan’s training and online presence for a while now and it’s been awesome to watch him and his business grow. Alan

253 | Joel Smith on Speed Training, Program Design & the Strength Coach Profession

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 253 with Joel Smith. This was a powerful podcast as we dug deep into ALL things Speed Training along with the ins and outs of the Strength Coach profession. Joel has been a Coach at

252: Jim “Bandbell” Seitzer, Early Days Westside Barbell & Old School Bodybuilding

STRONG Life Podcast 252 is BEAST! Jim Seitzer started lifting weights in the mid 70s with none other than Louie Simmons. That’s right, imagine graduating college and training to be a bodybuilder and on day 1, you see Louie benching

STRONG Life 251: Strength Coach Business QnA | The Low Hassle, High Profit Approach

STRONG Life 251: Strength Coach Business QnA | The Low Hassle, High Profit Approach. I’ve been in business since 2002. From small, humble beginnings in my parents garage and backyard to my first home with a 2 car garage and

REAL Talk: Entrepreneur Mindset, Why Men Need Hobbies, Training in Your 40s & More

It has been a LONG time since I’ve done a BONUS episode of REAL Talk with my bro, Jonas. This is a great chat where we dig into LIFE. Here’s just some of the topics we talk about:

250: Jon Torine | Strength Coach & Life Lessons from 17 Years in the NFL

STRONG Life ep. 250. WOW, believe it or not, we’re 25% of the way to 1,000 episodes 🙂 Jon Torine spent 17 years as a Strength Coach in the NFL and then continued to work with NFL athletes when he

249: Steven Pressfield Interviews Zach on Writing, Creativity & The STRONG Life

STRONG Life Podcast ep. 249 is a wild ride for me. Steven Pressfield invited me on a zoom call to be interviewed for a off the cuff interview / conversation. That’s right, Steven wanted to interview me. Holy hell! Yes,

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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