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The BIG Sale Is On

Yep. I am finally holding a sale. I was going to wait until my 38th birthday, which is around the corner, but I already had e mails harassing me about a Black Friday sale, ha ha. So I figured what

Diamond Gym, 5 AM Workouts & NEVER Fading

Yesterday I took a trip to my old stomping grounds, Diamond Gym. I spent my late teens through my mid 20s commuting to Diamond Gym. I will never forget that place and the intensity that oozed out of that gym.

Stan “Rhino” Efferding Inspiration: Powerlifting, Bodybuilding & Breaking Records!

I thought this highlight video of Stan “The Rhino” Efferding was straight up AWESOME! [vimeo width=”640″ height=”360″][/vimeo] [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube]

STRONGCast Ep. 7: Ryan Brown, CrossFit Inspiration, Tosh The Legend & MORE!

In Episode # 7 of The STRONGCast PodCast I interview Strength Coach Ryan Brown. In this podcast we discuss the following and more: – The EPIC Brian Chontosh Boxing Match (Holy Shyt this is NUTS!) – Ryan’s BEST Strength Coach

Animal Warm Ups, Alpha Male Workouts & THE Key To Gains

Let’s organize your day / training session into 3 critical components to ensure you are making GAINS. No need to waste time and do it wrong when you can get it done right and skip all my years of mistakes

Men Need To Start Being MEN Again!

It’s amazing, yet it never ceases to amaze me. Interesting and ironic at the same time. But seriously, WTF is going on with men nowadays? The intensity is gone, the gossip is like a group of women, the weakness of

STRONGCast Ep 6, Mike Dolce On Getting Lean, UFC Workouts & Cutting Weight

In this episode of STRONGCast, Episode 6, Mike Dolce, The Founder of UFC Fit and The Dolce Diet discusses the following: – Powerlifting Days As a High School Athlete – High school wrestling in NJ back in the 90s –

STRONGCast Ep 5: Coach Gags, Powerlifting, Westside Barbell Inspiration & TRUTH

Coach Gags is one of the smartest, most knowledgeable, most genuine, humble and nicest Coaches I know. Gags takes the approach of “always a white belt”, aka stay humble AND hustle hard. He has attended every Certification, training and biz

5 Shoulder Health Exercises Eric Cressey RX’d For Me

Guest Post by Eric Cressey Zach Even-Esh isn’t just a friend of mine; he’s also a pseudo-client. You see, roughly once a year, Zach does something he’d never let one of his athletes do – and winds up with a

STRONG Life Podcast Ep 4: Eric Cressey | Strength Coach Business & Training Tips, Mobility, Baseball Do’s & Don’ts

In this episode of The STRONG Life Podcast I interview my go to guy and secret weapon when dialing in my training for both myself AND my athletes, Eric Cressey. In this episode, Eric and I discuss the following:

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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