Underground Strength Challenge

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Champion Workouts & Extra Credit Training

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” ~ Edmund Hillary Above, Blair Wrestlers & Team Underground…. Drenched in Sweat, Some Blood, Aches & Pains But The Champions Always Do “Extra Credit!” At The Underground Strength Gym, whenever the

Navy SEAL Life Lessons & The SEALFit 20 X Challenge

The year was 1993. I was 17 years old and had to wrestle off for the opportunity to wrestle in the districts my senior year. I clearly remember that quickly into the match I had a feeling of rapid fatigue

Navy SEAL Reveals The 20 X Mental Toughness Factor

“Your Body Is Capable Of 20 X What You Think It Is, AT LEAST!” – Navy SEAL, Mark Divine I would type more but what I have to say isn’t much compared to what is said in this video.I’ll be

Bodyweight Bodybuilding Inspiration Winners

This is TOUGH! ALL the videos from The Bodyweight Bodybuilding Inspiration Contest moved me, inspired me and some really touched my heart. During these inspiration contests I realize how tough it is to choose just one prize winner. This is

Tire Flip Instruction – Strongman Training Technique

After our recent Lift STRONG fundraiser, benefiting Leukemia & Lymphoma Foundation, I saw how countless athletes had NO clue how to properly flip the tire, especially the heavier, 600 lb tire. Even the guys who were built like brick shit

Bodyweight Bodybuilding Inspiration Contest

Bodyweight Bodybuilding Inspiration Contest [youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdSdpS2rock[/youtube] STEP 1: Create your highlight Video and upload to You Tube. The Video MUST be a mix of YOUR story and YOUR training footage. Just be YOU – It doesn’t matter if you

Lift Strong Prep, Challenges & Life At The Underground Strength Gym

Things are REALLY rolling here at Underground Strength HQ. Summer is a CRAZY time of year for us: – We’ve got our 5th annual LIFT STRONG Fundraiser coming up (You’re invited, to compete OR watch & support us). I am

Is Modern Day Man A Disgrace?

“WHAT IF……” – What if one day you can’t get to the gym? You’re too busy, “life” happened…. Now what? – What if one day you show up and your gym is locked…. maybe out of business, shut down? Would

2 Things You MUST Have In Life & Lifting

Here’s our message of the week from Mandler, creator of The Swole System. This is a message I agree with and LIVE by, as should all the men & ladies of Underground Strength Nation…. This workout is what he calls

How I Use The Renegade Diet

I get daily e mails asking me questions about The Renegade Diet. Many ask if I use it, how I use it, what I think about the training advice given inside the e book, how I feel with Renegade Diet,

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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