In the early 2000s when I began Underground Strength, it was truly “Underground”. At the time, the “in thing” was training on one leg, on a bosu ball or physio ball. You had to use a medicine ball, rotating, half
I’ve been around athletes for 25+ years now. Even dating back to my knee injuries in high school, I learned that it is always better to work around an injury rather than sit home on the couch and sulk. The
I began using Kettlebells back in 2003. Those were some GOOD times. I didn’t own a warehouse gym at the time so my training was in my garage or my buddy and I would train at parks and playgrounds with
I recently had a “moment”, at least I did in my own mind…… I was feeling a bit run down a few weeks ago and 1 of my training sessions was simply nothing to write home to Mom about. And
Sometimes I write for no other reason than to write for myself. That’s right, just for me. It’s a great way to cleanse the mind and get something out of your head and onto paper or in this case, on
Above: The Dumbbells at Diamond Gym. To get to the heaviest weights, you must do all the work to get them from the bottom! In sports, you can be a Coach or even a fan watching practice or competition and
With my hectic schedule I am going through some short training sessions, around 15-20 minutes a clip. Sometimes I get 2 mini sessions a day and instead of complaining, I simply get it done. Announcing how tired or busy I
Times have been changing for quite some time….. Strength training with the basics is just not “cool” anymore. “Experts” hate on squats and now we have high school kids who can barely squat bodyweight. And this COVID shutdown of gyms
If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, you have likely gone through some hectic times where you said to yourself, “I just don’t have the time to train…..” Maybe you were a first time parent, you said the same thing.
Training for Performance – The Value of Calisthenics. Let’s dig into performance. Performance for sports and performance for life and work. Bodyweight training is a big component to improve your strength and muscular endurance for sports. In high school we