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Another most inspirational video!

This was passed on to me by a close friend and actually my first ever business coach, Jim Labadie. Between this video and seeing Joe D’s movie premiere, things are about to radically change for me. I hope you’re on

You’re invited to my gym!

In case I forgot (which I think I did….) On Saturday, May 10th, at 12 Noon, I will be holding my annual LIFT Strong fundraiser, a strongman contest for my athletes who are raising money to benefit the Leukemia and

a night at the movies with Joe DeFranco

Wow, what a night Thursday was…. Sorry for the delay on this, I’ve been pretty wiped out since Thursday night 🙂 Stay tuned though, because I will have some cool trip footage of my times Thursday night to be posted

Look in the mirror, dig deep…

As the world becomes a busier and busier place for so many of us, it seems that rather than think for ourselves, and do what is best for us, too many people blindly copy other materials. I’m talking about copying

stories of eatin’ clean and trainin’ mean

I think it’s much easier than people make it when it comes to getting stronger, adding muscle and getting faster….and I mean getting these results FAST! Make no mistake regarding “easy” and “simple”. Easy is walking in the park…simple is

lessons of wolf and man

A few weeks ago one of my clients saw me training before they were about to tear it up. I had about 15 minutes so I tore through some heavy power cleans supersetted with ring dips. He knew I was

How I trained an 88 lb. weakling

Slightly over 2 years ago a young wrestler began training with us…. He weighed 88 lbs at the time and was 1 month out from wrestling season in which he would be wrestling at 103 lbs. We had little time

Q & A from a skinny guy and a former inmate

Today I had a skinny guy stop into the gym….after he left the gym next door. The other day, another skinny guy who confessed to being a former inmate stopped by as well. I’m starting to worry who the heck

Tour inside my home office

I recieve many e mails regarding how I have attained success so quickly and especially more e mails on why I am such a go getter and so positive. Well, without a doubt, my past has shaped my future….things I

How to grab strength by the throat!

I have spoken many times before about getting people to respect “strength training”. It does piss me off, to see people whining about not being to get stronger, faster or bigger. I see these same people doing 1 arm dumbbell

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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