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How To Blend Strength, Muscle Building & Mental Toughness Workouts Together

Many make the mistake thinking that to train for strength you must do so exclusively. Or if trying to build muscle, you must focus on the time under tension principle. But, to make gains in strength…. To pack on muscle….

The 6 Most Effective Strength & Muscle Building Methods – Pt 2

Let’s crush part II of our Most Effective Strength & Muscle Building Methods. Make sure you go back and review Part 1 Here, and better yet, print them out and put both of these articles in a 3 ring binder.

Some of My Favorite Strength & Conditioning Books

I am constantly asked about my favorite books or what I’m reading right now. My library is constantly growing, evolving, adding books on training, business, lifestyle, mindset and inspirational autobiographies. If you use the search bar on my blog you

WHY Do You Train!?!? Inspiration Contest

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] The TOP 3 Most Inspirational Videos Are Getting 2 Prizes: Prize 1: Underground Strength Gym Stickers Prize 2: 1 Year Membership To Underground Inner Circle ($297 Value) Here’s How To Enter The “WHY I Train” Underground Inspiration

Training & Life Updates, November 2012

“We aren’t going to try to train you, we’re going to try to kill you.” – Soldier I, SAS Training has been full steam ahead, high volume and high frequency. Check out the video below for some updates on my

Underground Strength Coach Cert

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube] Not many people know, but we now hold various Underground Strength Coach Certification. Regardless of the cert, as you’ll see below, every attendee always says things like: “I got my money’s worth in the first hour….” “The

Grease The Groove (GTG) For Greater Strength [Training for Life]

Grease The Groove is a technique I learned many years ago when reading a book from Pavel, Power To The People. Essentially, you perform an exercise of choice several times a day, several times a week (4 – 7 x

Iron Roots Podcast Ep. 1 | 5 X 5 Strength Training + The Power of Push Ups

Here’s your Underground Strength Challenge for this month along with Iron Roots Podcast episode 1 where I dive into the History behind the 5 x 5 strength training program! It’s ALL about the basics in this one, post your comments,

Top 11 Muscle Building Exercises

Here’s a list of the Top 11 Muscle Building Exercises that you simply can’t go wrong with (minus if you have any injuries, physical limitations, excuses, etc) if you wanna get jacked AND strong. Check em’ out and decide how

Underground Strength Conference Ideas?

Undergrounders – I have the dates set for The FIRST ever Underground Strength Conference, BUT…. I need help picking topics and the format of learning. Please check this video and drop a comment! HUGE thanks!! Remember, this will be in

"Zach Even - Esh is the Charles Atlas of Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Athletic Training. He is a walking inspiration. A kick in the ass for all of us."
- Steven Pressfield, World Renown Author
War of Art & Turning Pro

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